View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] OpenVIX 3.0 - problem with XEPGDB download in CrossEPG

02-10-12, 20:52
I am experiencing the following issue on VIX3.0 which I never experienced on 2.4.

If I go into the CrossEPG and try and download the XEPGDB-France data, the process starts and after 10 seconds or so it hangs and Enigma2 restarts.

The crossEPG log has the following:-

02/10/2012 19:25:38 HTTP Get (host:crossepg.sifteam.eu, port:80, page:devilcosta_nova_en_xmltv.headers.db.gz)
02/10/2012 19:25:38 ERROR!! No data found
02/10/2012 19:25:38 Error downloading file http://crossepg.sifteam.eu/devilcost....headers.db.gz

Interestingly I can download that file directly with my Laptop.

Also - I can successfully ping crossepg.sifteam.eu directly from the Vu+. So its not simply a network connectivity issue.

I'm on build 339.

The debug log has the following detail (last lines in the log):-

[CrossEPG_Wrapper] executing /usr/crossepg/crossepg_downloader -r -d /media/usb/crossepg
[CrossEPG_Wrapper] <- READY
[CrossEPG_Wrapper] -> OPEN
[CrossEPG_Wrapper] -> DOWNLOAD xepgdb_devilcosta_nova_english_xmltv__xepgdb_repac ked_

Additional info:-
Skin : Night-HD
Plugins: Just the defaults
Additional H/W: - DVB-T USB (Win-T Nova)
EPG.Dat stored on USB. Picons stored on USB. No Swap file.
Also - 28.2E OpenTV EPG loading fine.

02-10-12, 22:10
You say you're downloading the french epg, but it clearly shows it's the greek epg you're downloading?!

Anyway, as a first port of call, trying this. Telnet in to the box, and issue init 4 command. Then, remove the epg.dat file, and the crossepg folder from wherever you store them. In this example, it's on the usb: rm -r /media/usb/crossepg and rm /media/usb/epg.dat... Now, issue the init 3 command, to restart enigma.

This will clear out all your epg data. Might also be worth checking out the flash and hdd to ensure there are no rogue epg.dat files, but wouldn't think they would be a cause for problems...

Then, try downloading the data again, and see if you're still suffering...

03-10-12, 11:05
Thanks for that. Will have to try when I get home this evening.

Not sure why it's the Greek EPG...I'm fairly certain it was the French one I selected. Will doublecheck - maybe if Greece is right under France in the list my eyesight let me down (doubtful as I reproduced this several times)... Alternatively the mapping between country and file name could be out. Anyway - jury's out - human error until proven otherwise. Will run it again carefully this evening and capture some screenshots.

Will also do your other suggestions separately.

03-10-12, 21:34
Okay. Must have selected the Greek one in error yesterday. However I tried the French one and that also failed to download.

So I followed the suggestion - cleared out the EPG files (and also a stray epg.dat one in the flash).

I'm happy to say it worked:-

DOWNLOAD cmd received
03/10/2012 21:11:29 HTTP Get (host:crossepg.sifteam.eu, port:80, page:rytec_france_xmltv.headers.db.gz)
03/10/2012 21:11:45 Downloaded 1143793 bytes
03/10/2012 21:11:45 HTTP Get (host:crossepg.sifteam.eu, port:80, page:rytec_france_xmltv.descriptors.db.gz)
03/10/2012 21:12:06 Downloaded 1593387 bytes
03/10/2012 21:12:06 Deflating /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.JTy677
03/10/2012 21:12:07 File deflated
03/10/2012 21:12:08 Deflating /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.kWCf85
03/10/2012 21:12:08 File deflated
03/10/2012 21:12:35 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
03/10/2012 21:12:42 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
03/10/2012 21:12:42 EPGDB closed
03/10/2012 21:12:42 Interactive: OK action sent
03/10/2012 21:12:42 Interactive: QUIT cmd received

So that's my EPG problem solved - thanks for that.

Now, next thing is to figure out how to stop the DVB-T USB stick being dropped after an enigma restart... but that's for another thread.