View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] .Trash-directory?

01-10-12, 08:54
I see a directory .Trah in my hdd/movie recording location. All efforts to show a movie leads there and show Deleted.
How can I remove this directory .Trash? All efforts are unsuccesful and recording location cannot be changed.

Rob van der Does
01-10-12, 11:52
You can't move the trashcan. But you can move files in it, and also watch them.

01-10-12, 17:03
The new build 339 didn't seem to install properly on line. The receiver didn't start again. I reflashed with build 339 but the settings back-up didn't install the plugins. I did that manually. Now everything works except Sundtek DVB S/T. Its driver is not installed properly. I wonder what might be the reason?

01-10-12, 17:43
It works again after installing the driver here: