View Full Version : [GiGaBlue HD800UE] Can't upgrade from 325

30-09-12, 20:00
Currently on build 325 and trying to do an online upgrade. It finds the update and reboots but still showing on 325 and green icon flashing on epg.

Trying doing it through telnet but coming up saying cannot download.

Anyone else have this?

01-10-12, 20:55
Reflashed with the latest build and all is ok now.

02-10-12, 22:20
Appear to have same issue from 343 to 344.

Get the reboot screen but restarts enigma 2 rather than a full restart and does not update.

02-10-12, 22:33
are you leaving the receiver to complete the upgrade process and reboot itself? Have you used a backup of anykind?

02-10-12, 22:37

Yes I am leaving it to reboot but it restarts enigma 2 instead.

Yes I used a backup on build 343 to restore settings.

02-10-12, 23:32
I had the same problem going from 343 to 344 with the software upgrade on the box. But using Telnet it upgraded OK. :attention:
I had a green (stable release option) flashing update available on 343.

03-10-12, 05:38
Please enable logs guys and post them.