View Full Version : [BUG] Can't play local mkv file in mediaplayer

09-09-10, 09:11
Hi, tried playing an mkv file residing on the locally installed harddisk. The file would begin playing the intro etc,
but after ~30s, the file abbruptly stopped, claiming to be at the end of the file. Upon pressing "Exit" button
GSOD appeared. Looking into the crashlog, there was a gstreamer streaming error. Crashlog can be
uploaded if requested.

Best regards,

PS! Keep up the good work! Happy today because recieving my new telly this afternoon... :cool:

09-09-10, 09:23

Playing back any non recording video files is a black art.
There has been so many issues with formats, stretching video, freezes, freezes of video but sound continues, No Audio, DTS downmix not working, files just not playable and on and on.
It seems (looking at all the image creators info) that VU themselves are needed to improve the media playback but this wont happen too soon.
I have resurected my old popcorn hour A110 media player due to the media playback issues on the VU.
Best advice is buy a WD TV live and avoid the frustrustration.....

09-09-10, 09:42
Ok, thanks for the input. @Team members, feel free to ignore this thread.


09-09-10, 09:43
I must admit i've still not had time to see how the media performs on the latest drivers / VIX image.

09-09-10, 10:51
I will be inastalling over w/e and will test and report back..


09-09-10, 11:28
I've played a few mkv files and had no problems at all. Before, I used to transcode the mkv in to .ts files to get them to play better. But now, I can get them playing just fine. If it has dts, I just downmix it on the computer first before putting on the box, but have noticed that this causes the sound to be really quiet...

Only other problem I've had with media is xvid files. They play, but are really jerky and not really watchable. That was through the recorded files folder though... Haven't tried playing them through media player, but wouldn't imagine there would be any difference...

09-09-10, 12:25
I give up also on this, last night would you believe i actually burn the inbetweeners to dvd and watched it on the PS3. couldnt be bothered watching it with the angor of it jerking around all over the place. In my eyes if VU sort this out then that will mean this box has it all now with the VIX image. it is such a shame that someone over at VLC or MPC doesnt pick it up and run with it to create a 3rd party addon. i just wish i could do it, it would be done now. sadly i wouldnt know where to start.

09-09-10, 13:46
I've played a few mkv files and had no problems at all. Before, I used to transcode the mkv in to .ts files to get them to play better. But now, I can get them playing just fine. If it has dts, I just downmix it on the computer first before putting on the box, but have noticed that this causes the sound to be really quiet...

Only other problem I've had with media is xvid files. They play, but are really jerky and not really watchable. That was through the recorded files folder though... Haven't tried playing them through media player, but wouldn't imagine there would be any difference...

You say you can play them just fine now. Can you rewind them once they have finished and watch them again. As I have the same issue as Yngvkl. The answer is not to purchase another media player but to feed this info back to VU so they can update the core drivers and enigma2 image so that MKV files can be played back with no issues.

Allthough I very much doubt that hardware is capable of playng fast moving scenes with loads of colour at 720p seamlessly. This happens in the orignal image and pli so I ver much doubt that the vix image is the answer to all our prayers on playing mkv files back.

09-09-10, 16:22
You say you can play them just fine now. Can you rewind them once they have finished and watch them again. As I have the same issue as Yngvkl. The answer is not to purchase another media player but to feed this info back to VU so they can update the core drivers and enigma2 image so that MKV files can be played back with no issues.

So you're saying that when you watch an mkv file on the vu duo, when you use the rewind button, you have problems?! Am sure I remember reading somewhere that with the new drivers and mkvs, the ff/rw buttons did not work, and to use the number keys to jump forward/back. tbh, I hardly have the need to ff/rw mkvs, so can't say whether I've checked... Will look when I get back home though and let you know...

09-09-10, 22:03
On one of the other images (can't remember which one) I was able to play the same moive from a network share. That's why I thought it was a "bug" in VIX. However, my mkv also contains the subs in my language (norwegian), and I do believe now, as I am writing this, that in my attempt to play it locally, the subs (idx,sub) was in the same directory as the mkv, that means in addition to the subs already inside the mkv. Perhaps the Mediaplayer got confused... At the place it stopped, it would probably be the right place to load/show the first line of sub... Need to check this tomorrow. Can't access the vuduo right now..


09-09-10, 22:25
With original image 5.2, i´ve no problem playing mkvs, and i have a lot , all of them played by local lan, 1080p included.

if you have any movie with problem, tell me the name and i will download and test it.

greetings from spain

09-09-10, 22:41
@nachetex: Thanks, but I haven't downloaded it from the net... :) Since you have no problems, I have to test some more... Perhaps some other settings in meGUI. BTW, what are the max. level that the vuduo can play, 4.0, 4.1...?

10-09-10, 09:36
@nachetex: Thanks, but I haven't downloaded it from the net... :) Since you have no problems, I have to test some more... Perhaps some other settings in meGUI. BTW, what are the max. level that the vuduo can play, 4.0, 4.1...?

Not sure on the max level, they only stated on their driver updates that it "Support more mkv file formats"...


Give it a try without the subs. If that works, then we know the problem. If not, then post back the format of your mkv file, and hopefully others will be able to say whether they've been able to play mkvs of the same format...

10-09-10, 17:25
So far I had no real problems with x264/mkv nor with XviD/avi files. They all play fine (PLi image, updated august 27)

But there are some minor issues:

The main issue for me is with DTS sound, as my audio amplifier does not support it.
It seems that there is no DTS downmix to AC3 available on Duo.
So either it has to be done before playing (on PC), or I need to replace my amplifier (I hope Duo is allowing out DTS sound untouched?)

I also have an issue (with just one mkv file so far - and I downloaded it to test, because somebody else had problems with it, but not Duo related) where three audio tracks are present: AC3, AAC, AAC
On PC - each is playing fine.
On Duo: initially only two are detected: AC3 and AAC, and AAC is used.
When I switch to AC3, another AAC appears and is chosen instead.
Now I have all three, but if I again select AC3 - it is not working. No sound. The amplifier says: locked, or unlock.
Both AAC are working, though.

The 3rd issue: when using number buttons to jump around, sometimes sound disappears after jumping 3, but appears again after 6 or 9 or back 1, but not always,
sometimes 3 is fine as well. Anyway, if there is no sound after a jump, it is easy to get it by some more jumps back and forth.

And I am not sure how subtitles work on Duo. I usually don't use subtitles. Tried only once, with a file with 10 subtitle tracks in various languages, got nothing.
Even with English language and Engilsh CC - nothing.
All the subtitle tracks in that file are marked in Duo as UTF-8.
No unicode support for subtitles in Duo?

11-09-10, 08:49
Ok, couple'a things conformed...

1) Removing the extra subtitle files (idx, sud) residing in the same directory as the mkv itself did not make any difference. FIle stops playing.

2) Tried playing the file in VLC on PC, and, I was correct on my earlier assumption, the media player fails just as the first sub is supposed to load.

Upon checking the crashlog (DSOD after pressing EXIT on the remote) there is a
Gstreamer error: GStreamer encountered a general stream error. (1) from matroskademux0

Next test is to mux out (remove) the subs file from the mkv, and try this.


PS! Tried uploading the crashlog, but got an "invalid file" message!? Howto do this?

11-09-10, 10:18
So, I muxed out the subs from the mkv using mkvtoolnix, transferred mkv to vuduo, and tried playing.... success! It seems therefore that the GStreamer/matroskademux0 is having a hard time demuxing the subs stream...
I have no clue, however, how to address this myself. Hopefully a cunning person can have a look at it sometime.


03-10-10, 11:01
All .mkv files freeze for me unfortunately, have things improved with the 1.1 VIX image???

03-10-10, 17:12
Still "not supporting" subs, tried again today, but I think this is perhaps not due to the VIX image...?

20-11-10, 12:29
My experience paying MKV and AVI files has been hit and miss. Some play perfectly and others won't play at all.
A file (1.17GB) with this encoding works perfectly:
Video: H264 - MPEG - AVC - (part 10) (avc1)
Audio: A52 Audio (aka AC3) (a52)

Another (8.53GB) with this encoding refuses to play:
Video: H264 - MPEG - AVC - (part 10) (avc1)
Audio: DTS Audio (dts)

Any idea what the problem can be?

20-11-10, 12:42
@Mr.McGee: Probably the DTS audio coding...

20-11-10, 13:13
My experience paying MKV and AVI files has been hit and miss. Some play perfectly and others won't play at all.
A file (1.17GB) with this encoding works perfectly:
Video: H264 - MPEG - AVC - (part 10) (avc1)
Audio: A52 Audio (aka AC3) (a52)

Another (8.53GB) with this encoding refuses to play:
Video: H264 - MPEG - AVC - (part 10) (avc1)
Audio: DTS Audio (dts)

Any idea what the problem can be?

Had problem with image Open PLi 20101117 but works great with Open PLi 20101109 (DTS ok)

20-11-10, 14:09
Tried another with MPEG 4 video encoding and it doesn't play back. Audio encoding is A52 Audio (aka AC3) (a52).
Codec support looks to be really flaky.

20-11-10, 14:40
Will give that a try Hakon. Cheers.