View Full Version : VIX image & smargo ?

08-09-10, 14:22
How do I turn usb on in kernels for smargo ?
I was on DE before with CCcam 2 1 4 and was ok

08-09-10, 14:25
How do I turn usb on in kernels for smargo ?
I was on DE before with CCcam 2 1 4 and was ok

This is something we'll have to add to the list i'm afraid.

We need to add the drivers to the plugins feed.

08-09-10, 14:37
Things like this should be in the write up,
now I cant share my cards and would have held off if known.

08-09-10, 14:39
Things like this should be in the write up,
now I cant share my cards and would have held off if known.

The write up explains what's in the image... If we'd have put the smargo drivers etc in, then it would've said they were in (or available or whatever)

Remember, this was the first image we'd done... Have a lot added to it, and more will be coming in the next release...

08-09-10, 14:43
The write up explains what's in the image... If we'd have put the smargo drivers etc in, then it would've said they were in (or available or whatever)

Remember, this was the first image we'd done... Have a lot added to it, and more will be coming in the next release...

Its a good first attempt but its a long way off Dream Elite

08-09-10, 14:58
Theres nothing stopping you installing the drivers youself, they're on this board if you search ;)

08-09-10, 15:01
They're in the attachment in this thread, use the DM7025 drivers and read the readme for how to install http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?328-Smargo-Smartreader-v1.3-drivers-and-utilities&highlight=smargo

08-09-10, 15:23
Its a good first attempt but its a long way off Dream Elite

And at the same time, dream-elite is a long way off all the others as they are the old oe, cannot use newer drivers, etc, etc...

As Sic says, try installing manually.

We haven't been in the game anywhere near as long as dream-elite have.

We haven't had the support from vuplus like what de had.

This has all been done off our own back...

We aren't even saying we are better or as good as dream elite. We are an alternative. Use the image if you like it, if not don't...

08-09-10, 15:40
I do wish people would stop being overly critical.
I think this image is brilliant, and for a first image it amazing what has been put in, in so little time.

If you like the DE Image go back to it, there nothing stopping you!

I for one appeciate all those who have been involved in creating a wonderful image, and hope some of the comments I have read do not put the team off further development!

08-09-10, 15:46
I do wish people would stop being overly critical.
I think this image is brilliant, and for a first image it amazing what has been put in, in so little time.

If you like the DE Image go back to it, there nothing stopping you!

I for one appeciate all those who have been involved in creating a wonderful image, and hope some of the comments I have read do not put the team off further development!

What was one of the reasons why the de team stopped work on their images again?! Oh yeah, people moaning about things and wanting releases every 2 minutes... ;) Some people don't learn though do they?!

09-09-10, 06:43
Yes, the developers have done a tremendous job! Please do not make any "shortcuts" with this image, just because people have forgotten their manners!
Be a little "strict" in the coding, and you will earn a lot later, it being quicker bugfix'es or faster plugin development+++
I think a "bug thread" should be opened & made a sticky. Perhaps fastened right above the "normal threads" section


09-09-10, 09:31
Planning to load the VIX image at the weekend.
But looking at the Smargo Drivers as Sic mentions above.
The folllowing text is n the readme file.

************************************************** *************
* *
* DM7025 for use with any (current) image *
* *
* Instructions for installing kernel modules/ftdi driver. *
* *
* Install all 3 attached packages: *
* *
* telnet [ipadreambox] *
* *
* ipkg install kernel-module-ftdi-sio_2.6.12.6-r7_dm7025.ipk *
* ipkg install kernel-module-usbcore_2.6.12.6-r7_dm7025.ipk *
* ipkg install kernel-module-usbserial_2.6.12.6-r7_dm7025.ipk *
* *
* edit the file (use vi or ANY other editor): *
* *
* /etc/init.d/bootup *
* *
* Change: *
* *
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* *
* to: *
* *
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* modprobe ftdi_sio *
* *
* save the file and reboot the dm7025! *

The install ipk bits are fine. But the editing of the boot file is where I have issue.

It says add this text to the file.
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* modprobe ftdi_sio

But when I check the boot file on my current PLi install where the smargo works already there is no mention of any text like this.

Is it just a different version of the driver or a different way to install it because its from the plugin menu in PLi.


09-09-10, 09:36
This is something I'll have to try looking at, time has been an issue last couple of days.

09-09-10, 10:52
I will continue with VIX at w/e and test as per instructions and report back then...


09-09-10, 12:27
It says add this text to the file.
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* modprobe ftdi_sio

I Cant locate this in the VIX ,
Anyone know where it is ?
installed ok but not seeing smargo

09-09-10, 12:38
Its a good first attempt but its a long way off Dream Elite

Sorry i disagree tottaly. this image is VU specific. that alone makes it much better than any other image available. you can grab a copy of the DE image from this forum reinstall that and when the VIX image is as old as MEOs images are (many years) then you can come back.

My fav bit is the timers list. i love that.

09-09-10, 13:02
It says add this text to the file.
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* modprobe ftdi_sio

I Cant locate this in the VIX ,
Anyone know where it is ?
installed ok but not seeing smargo

Malsat, Did you try adding all the text anyway to see if it made a difference.
Also did the install of the 3 ipk files go OK.

09-09-10, 13:14
Malsat, Did you try adding all the text anyway to see if it made a difference.
Also did the install of the 3 ipk files go OK.

the install went ok,but I didnt add the text as dont know where to put it.

09-09-10, 13:17
Sorry i disagree tottaly. this image is VU specific. that alone makes it much better than any other image available. you can grab a copy of the DE image from this forum reinstall that and when the VIX image is as old as MEOs images are (many years) then you can come back.

My fav bit is the timers list. i love that.

everyones entitled to there own opinion,as for grabbing DE image again who asked your advice ?
I started this thread to get smargo working not argue about my opinion against yours

09-09-10, 13:36
everyones entitled to there own opinion,as for grabbing DE image again who asked your advice ?
I started this thread to get smargo working not argue about my opinion against yours

Well if you started this thread to get smargo support why shoot the image down with your comment??

Perhaps YOU should try spending countless hours creating an image and try to cover everyone's needs on your first attempt!

Thread closed, get your info elsewhere.

@ dfdream I'll look at this hopefully before the weekend and post my findings.

11-09-10, 14:51
It says add this text to the file.
* echo 52 > /proc/progress *
* modprobe ohci-hcd *
* modprobe ftdi_sio

I Cant locate this in the VIX ,
Anyone know where it is ?
installed ok but not seeing smargo

the file you are looking for is 'etc/init.d/bootup' it is there if you look, and if i where you, i would stop p****ing the developers off otherwise we might just start to ignore you. we are trying VERY hard to get up to speed with coding but as there is NO coding documentation for Engima2 at ALL has to be done the HARD WAY, ( reading through 100's of thousands line of code) if you can do it any quicker or better then, GO CODE YOUR OWN IMAGE, stop bothering us. it is people like you that REALLY annoy me, and make me think why i do bother, i mean i coded this image for ME, and i diceded to share with others if you don't like, it then don't use it, we don't care, there must have been over 600 downloads so far and only a few people like you complain. just be patient and we will TRY to do most everything that gets requested into the image at some point.

anyway enough from me.


11-09-10, 14:58
the file you are looking for is 'etc/init.d/bootup' it is there if you look, and if i where you, i would stop p****ing the developers off otherwise we might just start to ignore you. we are trying VERY hard to get up to speed with coding but as there is NO coding documentation for Engima2 at ALL has to be done the HARD WAY, ( reading through 100's of thousands line of code) if you can do it any quicker or better then, GO CODE YOUR OWN IMAGE, stop bothering us. it is people like you that REALLY annoy me, and make me think why i do bother, i mean i coded this image for ME, and i diceded to share with others if you don't like, it then don't use it, we don't care, there must have been over 600 downloads so far and only a few people like you complain. just be patient and we will TRY to do most everything that gets requested into the image at some point.

anyway enough from me.


By my calculation, I make it more than 1700 downloads looking at all the uploads that I've seen in a couple of sites, plus there's all the other sites who might've uploaded it directly to their own site which I can't get the stats for... So, for the number of downloads, and the number of bugs/complaints, I think it's only the odd few who are totally oblivious and are just take-take-take...