View Full Version : oscam info causes box to reboot

21-09-12, 09:58
I've had this problem through every version of Vix since I installed Oscam. If I select blue button/oscaminfo/show clients either a client list is shown or the box will restart. Its kinda a 50/50 thing so I have taught myself to leave this alone and use the webif instead. I see in the crashlog the error message 'cannot allocate memory but this is weird as I have two hard drives and usb installed. Alos when i look at menu/information/memory i see that i have a total of 102.1M of flash of which 39.6M is free.. My current vix release is version 3.0 build 204. Crash logs included

21-09-12, 14:40
Whereabouts is your oscam.conf file held? Does it have any restrictions in regards to the user/pass/access ip... Might be that it cannot retrieve the info from there correctly...

Also, what version of oscam you using?

I will try my et9k when I get back, and check if that works ok or not. tbh, I never used it before, just always accessed via webif on computer...

24-09-12, 10:05
oscam.conf stored in var/tuxbox/conf. strange thing is that the reboot seems to be consistent when internal hard drive is in standby. its like vix is not waiting for the hard drive to wake up. username and password is read from oscam.conf and is setup to read this data by using blue button, selecting oscaminfo, setup and read userdata from oscam.conf

10-10-12, 19:13
so after a bit of playing with this issue oscaminfo is now working perfectly via the remote control blue button. Seems the problem is that VIX cannot handle an internal hard drive and esate external hard drive connected at the same time. Once I power off the external esata drive oscaminfo works perfectly. Hope that VIX designedrs can sort this issue as would like to be able to use both drives