View Full Version : 16e digitalb signal strength

07-09-10, 17:49
hi i have adigitalb card but my signal strength is about 40% on dgi plus and i cannot even open the film channels as the signal is so low 4%. my freind has a db8000 and can get 65%-75% signal strength on the same channels. I know that this satellite went tits up a few months ago and all the channels were off for a bit, but does anybody else have an issue with signal strength on digatalb? I may have an lnb that has become blinded to certain frequencies or maybe its a tuner driver issue or maybe its not, i have also tried peaking the signal by moving the dish back and forward. i am going to take my vu to my mates house tomorrow to plug it into his setup to see if its my lnb.



07-09-10, 18:38
it is the same for me m8, digi plus diddnt even open, my signal was very low, and it has worked before, on the vti image, i wonder if this is a bug in the vix image, some other sats, some channels were showing weak, something isnt quite right m8, i think

07-09-10, 19:05
im using aaf hot summer v2 but to be honest i think that is dont matter wot img you use it will be the same, its shit because we have payed for a card and we cant feckin watch the channels. sorry rant over.



07-09-10, 21:01
What size dish do you have?! 16e requires a bigger dish... Never had any problems on my 85cm dish... All working fine. So my guess would be a setup problem...

07-09-10, 21:21
Wasn't there a discussion on this a while ago, once the 5.2 drivers were released. It was something called frequency drift (from memory) and you needed to adjust the frequencies on some transponders a bit. It only effects some LNB's from what I recall.

07-09-10, 21:25
Wasn't there a discussion on this a while ago, once the 5.2 drivers were released. It was something called frequency drift (from memory) and you needed to adjust the frequencies on some transponders a bit. It only effects some LNB's from what I recall.

Will test it again after the footy and let you know whether mine's ok (it was a little while ago I checked it, so can't remember whether before or after the latest drivers)...

07-09-10, 21:44
Having no problems here with the setup in my sig.

So it's either the dish, lnb or something in your settings...


07-09-10, 22:47
hi my dish is 90cm my mate sends me bouquets which he also uses on his dm8000 and he can clear 75% signal, i used to get that on my trusty old dm7020! on the same dish, its just wierd how since after the problem a few months ago with this sat stopped functioning properly that ive had this problem just coincidence maybe?