View Full Version : Does the ET-9000 still make the job ?

17-09-12, 21:56
Dear all,

I am quite a noob (it's been 3 years since I disconected from the dreambox and associate world, even then, I was a beginner), I am looking seriously to purchase an Xtrend 9000.

I am living in the middle east and I can get it for 180euros, which I think is a great value.

However I am concerned, Is this still up to date?

I am a basic user, what I want is :
-2 tuner to record and watch at the same time.
-Run CCCAm and MGCamd client
-Put official Viaccess CI (maybe)
-Read cards with an MCAS EMU

I want something which allow me to do those basic things flawlessly like quick change of channel, reliable recording, timeshifting and EPG.

So what do you think...is the old ET-9000 still good for those purposes?

In which case I would like to upgrade to the 9200 or 9500? Knowing I am not a power user...?

17-09-12, 22:42
nothing wrong with the ET9000, but the newer the unit, the better

18-09-12, 11:51
nothing wrong with the ET9000, but the newer the unit, the better

Yes But I don't feel the difference between the 9000 and 9200 worth 120euros...Does it? even less the 200 euros with the 9500...

18-09-12, 14:38
I have both the ET9000 and an Ultimo and must say the ET9000 is almost as good as my Ultimo which cost a lot more money. Personally I am awaiting the new Vu Duo2, but you will be very happy with the ET9000.

18-09-12, 23:52
Thank you, bought it today, I will go through all the tuto now.
Paid about 200 euros with some give aways, the ultimo was 480 euros and the vu duo was 280 euros.
I felt I definately bought the best value for money!

Thanks to you !

18-09-12, 23:57
before you update the image, make sure you update the units boot loader, best to seek advice before you do any thing, but you will love the 9000

19-09-12, 10:18
Hi basilyoung ! Thanls for the advice...by the way anybody got a noob tuto on what to do step by step after the normal setup (channel search)...
I would like to update everything (bootloader, image) install plugin in order to be able to read viacess, irdeto (i believe I need Mcas right?), and also CCCam and Mgcamd...

A bit of help on that would be really appreciated!

19-09-12, 11:50
Hi basilyoung ! Thanls for the advice...by the way anybody got a noob tuto on what to do step by step after the normal setup (channel search)...
I would like to update everything (bootloader, image) install plugin in order to be able to read viacess, irdeto (i believe I need Mcas right?), and also CCCam and Mgcamd...

A bit of help on that would be really appreciated!
If you google bigredbox and et9000, you will come across a nov 2011 article on getting started with Clarke-tech/xtrend ET9000 and shy hd uk.
It is very easy to follow, uses VIX web site for everYthing, so although some of the links may longer be the
re you will be able to find on VIX

19-09-12, 12:05
Thank you twol, actually I do not have sky. I am based in dubai and this is not my targeted bouquet, I am more into French programs.
I am first willing to succesfully update the bootloader, I can't do it (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?4925-How-to-Flash-ET-9000-Firmware-using-USB-Pen-Drive)
Once I have done that, which image does people use the most? PLI? Vix? Egami? I am really confused by all those names :-)

19-09-12, 20:23
Only one image really, has to be VIX:)

19-09-12, 20:45
Ahaha Stanman! Considering the badge you got I could have guess the choice...
Anyway already choosed Vix this afternoon. I got the latest one!

19-09-12, 20:50
Good choice!!!
Install the image, set it up and than back up your settings and image. Afterwards try the others and I have no doubt you will come back and than either install your back up or virgin image and restore your settings.

19-09-12, 23:19
Stan, how can I read my viaccess card?
I am running CCCam, but I don't think I can read my viaccess (bis tv french) with cccam only right?
I used to use Mcas, is it availlable on Vix?
If not Oscam would do it? Can we run Oscam and CCCam at the same time?
It wont consume too much memory?

19-09-12, 23:25
I take it you have a CCcam,cfg file in your ETC folder ??

19-09-12, 23:26
and yes, cccam can run with oscam

20-09-12, 00:02
Yes of course I have the cccam file in etc...
I just want a simple answer...
Which file are needed for Oscam, where does they go...for the content I think i will find it by myself.

20-09-12, 00:22
I am not that up on the oscam set up, but I know that its not straight forward, and is best loaded via direct download, or ipk file

each oscam setup is fairly unique, my file system is as follows

ETC/TUXBOX/CONFIG have the following files oscam.config, oscam.provider, oscam.server,oscam.srvid,oscam.tiers,oscam

USR/BIN oscam
CAMSCRIPT/ Ncam_Osacam6253

hope this helps

20-09-12, 00:28
also, i would like to add, I think cccam 2.2.1 reads your french card directly

20-09-12, 00:39
Hi basil, It is helping a bit bt not fully...

Dear Expert, Just spent hours trying...but I failed...
i tried to make a mix of



i created 3 file which I placed in tuxbox folder...but it is not working...

PLEASSSE can someone help me to read this card with CCCam 2.3.0 or oscam5953?

Thanks in advance!

20-09-12, 00:46
i know someone that is using the card you want, and is using cccam, I will ask him tomorrow, how he is doing this

20-09-12, 16:24
Thank you Basil!

20-09-12, 17:25
apparently, this card will not work with CCCam directly, it can be read by Oscam though, I have been told that an auto config software will sort out the required settings, but my mate was off out, so cant help with the software name, just now

20-09-12, 23:20
No problem will wait till tomorrow...
If anyone else can give the correct number of file, name of file, location of the files...even if not adjusted for my card, would be appreciated!

21-09-12, 10:03
Google oscam wiki, has all the answers. As for your question above, Baz has told you the location in post#17

24-09-12, 02:56
Hey Basil,

I am still completely stuck...I have tried to mix up some file from the internet but it is not working...any news about the software?

Stanman, with all my respect, i believe even yourself could not create file from scratch from the wiki! I think U need to be a programmer or some kind of stuff like this to build those file from Scratch with the wiki!

And I am not talkign about cardsharing here, but just how to read my legit card, so if those who are using oscam could give me a bit more detailled help I would really appreciate!

24-09-12, 03:15
Ok I will give more detail here...
To install Oscam I am sending the oscam...ipk to the tmp server.
Then I finish the installation from my receiver, by going to install local extension.

At that moment if I check usr/bin there is nothing.
If I check usr/camscript i see nothing related to Oscam!
Aren't those file suppose to go there automatically???

For the file in the tuxbox I do understand I am suppose to be the one adding them...

24-09-12, 20:36
Hey Basil,

I am still completely stuck...I have tried to mix up some file from the internet but it is not working...any news about the software?

Stanman, with all my respect, i believe even yourself could not create file from scratch from the wiki! I think U need to be a programmer or some kind of stuff like this to build those file from Scratch with the wiki!

And I am not talkign about cardsharing here, but just how to read my legit card, so if those who are using oscam could give me a bit more detailled help I would really appreciate!

Your absolutely right, I didn't create it from scratch. I read the wiki, posted on the forum and trough trial and error got there in the end.

There is a dedicated forum for oscam and tons of info on how to set up.

You are going to need the dvapi file to read your card and what goes in it is on the wiki and specimen files on the oscam forum

24-09-12, 20:37
Ok I will give more detail here...
To install Oscam I am sending the oscam...ipk to the tmp server.
Then I finish the installation from my receiver, by going to install local extension.

At that moment if I check usr/bin there is nothing.
If I check usr/camscript i see nothing related to Oscam!
Aren't those file suppose to go there automatically???

For the file in the tuxbox I do understand I am suppose to be the one adding them...

Oscam along with other cams in the vix image are in USR/SOFTCAM

24-09-12, 22:35
you would do best going to the oscam streamboard, I hav,nt got time to get involved any further, and aside from the fact my mate would,nt let me post his files, I could.nt do so any way
I can tell you, its defo oscam you need, and oscam is a bit 3D, In that you need the correct variants to complete the picture

25-09-12, 04:59
Thank you very much to both of you....
I have been given the file I need by a guy, but he is using openpli so i will install open pli to follow his location.

I think i will just stop here with the Vix Image...I don't want to hurt anyone doing a great job on here but I have enough...
I think that is the cause of my trouble to accomplish some simple task and also I am sorry to say but it is quite unstable, in mine at least.
Many time I find myself blocked on a fix image, or sometime the image is getting bigger (like the channel logo is out of the screen) ...I am really surprise to see this kind of things in 2012 on a high end receiver!
Also, unlike other image like openpli why I can't install for example oscam 1.20 from the plugin menu?
Even when i go to the suggested link on 4shared, I see only oscam 1.00 that nobody support anymore...when i install it, I do not see anything in USR softcam...I only see Cccam and mgcamd...
I don't I feel there is consistency of locations, of installation...
I will try openpli or some others...maybe I will come back crying to Vix because other are worst...but all in all...I am surprise by all those incident which are not only due of me beeing a noob.

25-09-12, 08:06
Your free to choose whichever image you want. All will work with oscam and any other softcam. I'm sure you'll find at some point problems with PLi, same as any other image... So you're free to test and see which you prefer

As for older oscam version, all you need to do is go to the oscam download site and download the latest binary and upload to usr/softcams

As for image getting bigger, you will find that is a problem with your tv, and overscan. The box outputs perfectly fine, but a lot of tv's default to having overscan enabled, so that is not a fault with the image at all

Good look with whichever image you settle upon

Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using Tapatalk 2

27-09-12, 06:16
Openpli allow me to read my card with cccam 2.3.0 without doing anything!!!!!

27-09-12, 06:23
Openpli allow me to read my card with cccam 2.3.0 without doing anything!!!!!

Probably because the cam downloaded from pli will likely have a premade configuration file. Where as the cams for the ViX image downloaded via the 4 shared archive don't have these configs as standard.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
27-09-12, 06:59
And the config file that PLi supplies is a complete blank one. In other words: add an empty file named CCcam.cfg to etc/ and you're done.