View Full Version : [ET9x00] Best way to stream from ET9x00 VIX?

16-09-12, 09:34

I have an ET9x00 with VIX that works very nicely but I would like to be able to stream recorded TS files from the ET9x00 to a media player (cheapo Sumavision MKV) and to my PC. All these devices are connected via 500Mbps powerline and the signal quality is indicated at 80-100% good.

I set up samba on the ET9x00 and can connect from the other devices but the playback is not great. Lots of stuttering.

The PC is Windows 7 (32bit) and I've tweaked various things including autosense, rds, etc but still not really working very well.

Is VIX ET9200 capable of doing what I'm trying to achieve? Do I need to tweak Samba or use some other sharing mechanism?


16-09-12, 11:23
Stuttering is usually down to the connection speed, and powerline is just not upto it.

16-09-12, 11:58
It would be worth checking that the suma actually plays the .ts files ok from a local disk. This will rule out the actual player as the cause of the stuttering.
Copy one SD & HD to a USB a try playing those.

16-09-12, 13:10
Forgot to add SD works OK. HD just doesn't cope.

If I file copy the whole file and watch later it seems to work but it just can't seem to keep up with HD via Samba/CIFs.

Is this just not do-able, even with 500Mbps powerline/homeplug?


16-09-12, 14:57
I found

Looks like I am trying to achieve the impossible. :(

Thanks anyway,

16-09-12, 23:48
500mps is more than enough bandwidth. The real question is what performance you actually achieve reliably.
SMB/CIFS is also more than capable of distributing an HD stream.

I know many people who have had issues with homeplugs stuttering as the performance depends on how good your electrical circuit is. For streaming you need a consistently good connection with no dropouts, this is not the same as doing a file copy.

My advice would be to use a good old network cable, test with this and them work out what you can do from there.