View Full Version : Vu+ duo slow go

16-09-12, 09:30
Hi guys i've had my box now for nearly 3 years with very little problems until now.

It takes ages to change channel (icon in top left rotating), sometimes recording on its own but not showing any recording, slow when playback/recording and generally very non responsive.( changed remote batteries :) )

I thought this was down to some bugs in the newer vix imgs but it seems not to change no matter what img is used. I have reflashed the kernel and original imgs. The only thing that helps is a restart.

Is this a power supply issue or software and is there any fixes, work around for this many thanks

16-09-12, 10:31
Sounds more like a HW issue especially if your experiencing this across images, as to what it may be have no idea.

Could be memery is faulty, flash on its way out power supply dodgy, your guess is as good as mine.

16-09-12, 10:41
Sounds more like a HW issue especially if your experiencing this across images, as to what it may be have no idea.

Could be memery is faulty, flash on its way out power supply dodgy, your guess is as good as mine.

i just tried flashing again seems ok on the new original img but seems slow on vti and vix but ok on BH img ?

16-09-12, 10:54
Where do you have your picons saved to? is it slow only at channel changes?

16-09-12, 19:02
i dont have any picons loaded, no when it goes slow it will come up with the spinning icon in the corner will do this sometimes when looking through menus or trying to play a film its not just related to changing channels, driving me mad it seems like a memory issue i think as its ok when rebooted its like its getting clogged up or the cpu is over worked? got a swap file on usb checked that s fine

18-09-12, 21:51
Hi jas,

The first thing I'd check is whether the problem lies on the software or on the hardware side of things.
My suggestions:

I assume during your tests you started *fresh*, i.e. you did not import your old configurations after flashing. If you did restore your config, might I suggest you giving it another go with a clean system?
Try an older image (e.g. ViX 2.4) without restoring settings
If you use a USB Stick you might try to go without it a couple of days just for testing
I personally experienced an issue with sluggishness of the box which was caused by "periodic refresh" of the EPG. You might want to disable that for testing.
Do you know how to use SSH or Telnet to connect to the box. If so, you could try some troubleshooting (top, etc.). I could probably assist troubleshooting, although - as you can see from my post count - don't expect too much from me ;)

Cheers, Christian