View Full Version : Sky Movies Premier HD, gone ?

16-09-12, 06:09
Forgive me for asking incase this has already been asked, its just ive never got round to checking or asking since I noticed a week or two ago.

But, has Sky movies premier HD (sky premier HD) been taken off air or has it changes its name or something ?

I have done a fresh full scan etc and its still not listed in either the all channel list or my bouqets :confused:

Thanks for your help :)

EDIT : it is listed but just give me the blank screen carry on, the rest seem to be ok, well as far as ive noticed so far anyway.

16-09-12, 07:09
edit option for post has gone already, just wanted to add that I noticed another couple are missing too, you see I dont keep up to date with whats happening and whats not as I very seldome watch the box, so thats the reason why, and I dont use any of the fancy add on's etc that it has either, I'm the type of person if I switch it on and it works then thats fine by me, some people might say thats a waste but when its hardly watched anyway then you have to see my point, know what I mean ?

Thanks guys.;)

16-09-12, 07:15
Are you using an upto dates settings/bouquets pack?

16-09-12, 07:36
Are you using an upto dates settings/bouquets pack?

Hi mate, no, just using the one I created myself when I updated to the image on my signature ages ago, I set it all up the way i wanted it and not the way that other people want thier channels and bouqets etc, its more for the wife to be honest mate, I made all the bouqets and things so that she can navigate them very easily and I just keep them that way and maybe give them a little tweak from time to time when things like this happen, strange though that after a fresh scan a couple of channels so far ive noticed are listed yet give me the black screen :confused:

as I mentioned, I'm quite happy that the box just works, not interested in all the extra amazing things it can do, but at end of day the mrs only watches the mainstream channels and thats it, none of the rest, I.E - basically she just watches the movie channels and I maybe watch the sports sometimes.

16-09-12, 08:10
Sky premier HD is working fine but it is of air until 10am. try then and it should work.

16-09-12, 10:44
Braveheart - back up your settings and do an image back up FIRST

Than install the autobouquet plugin from the feeds its in extensions.

You will need to reboot after installing it. It created bouquets just like sly and updates then as well.

Have a read of the autobouwuet thread and see if you like it

17-09-12, 17:58
Sky premier HD is working fine but it is of air until 10am. try then and it should work.

cheers mate, you were right enough, it did come back on ;)

@ stanman, I also gave you thanks for the advice too as anything is always appreciated, but when I seen movies premier HD working again like alba1978 said and then I had a look through my newly scanned channels I could see the others I had that were not working had actually changed names and that was why (they were rubbish channels anyway, lol), so I just simply swapped them over with the dud ones and that was that, sorted :D

I will one of these days get round to sticking the latest image on and plugins etc but as I mentioned earlier, when its her that basically just watches the box and needs it to turn on and off LOL, I am always swayed towards leaving it alone so long as it works and that it, lol.

Cheers guys and thanks a lot :)