View Full Version : Ftp password help!!

12-09-12, 18:15
Hi I can't ftp into my vu+ box, I have read through the forum with no luck:-

I have tried the following:-

1) used dcc & telnet into box. At username typed in "root" and in password box typed in "passwd" soon as I type in passwd comes back and says "LOGIN INCORRECT"
2) I have tried ftp in to the box using Putty and Normal telnet from dos prompt. Same results as above
3) I have tried for the password "password" - "dreambox" - "blackhole" and still no joy.
4) I have reflashed the box with "Blackhole 1.7.6 Build Jul 7 2012-vuplu_experimental" tried all again from step 1 and still Login Inccorrect
5) I have tried downloading password reset plugins but they ask for the previous password as well as the new password and wont go any further

any sugestions would be gratefull!!!

12-09-12, 18:19
Try a blank password..

Rob van der Does
12-09-12, 18:20
And you have not restored settings from a 2.4 image or so?
I presume not, as we warned against that in very readable text.

12-09-12, 18:20
also tried leaving password balnk

12-09-12, 18:20
Yup, ive always tried the blank password as a first go...then change the password via telnet/ssh

12-09-12, 18:22
nope done a full flash and full setup and re-scan without restoring any setting from old ones

12-09-12, 18:24
reformating usb flash drive and re-downloading image and reflashing again see how it goes

12-09-12, 18:55
ok what I have done now:-

Reflashed box started setup from sratch and telnet in to box and login as root and type password as passwd and it lets me reset password to my choice But................. (always a but) when I hit green button, and go in to plugins and select "OpenWebif" and then in the configuration select "Enable Http Authentication" and relog into web interface or ftp to box it prompts me for username nad password and wont accept the one I set, But if I go back in to OpenWebif plug in and switch off "Enable Http Authentication" and reboot box it once again lets me change the ftp password or log in with the one I set previous, is this a bug in the image?

12-09-12, 19:51
Download from the server the plugin called Change Root Password and use that to change it. It works for me.

12-09-12, 19:59
ok what I have done now:-

Reflashed box started setup from sratch and telnet in to box and login as root and type password as passwd and it lets me reset password to my choice But................. (always a but) when I hit green button, and go in to plugins and select "OpenWebif" and then in the configuration select "Enable Http Authentication" and relog into web interface or ftp to box it prompts me for username nad password and wont accept the one I set, But if I go back in to OpenWebif plug in and switch off "Enable Http Authentication" and reboot box it once again lets me change the ftp password or log in with the one I set previous, is this a bug in the image?

dont use enable HTTP authentication in openwebif then, unless it's recently been fixed it does not work properly or did not the last time i tried it.