View Full Version : Recording multiple channels on PLi

07-09-10, 08:21
I seem to be having a problem in the last few weeks when recording 3 channels.

They are all on cccam on local card with 2 on the same transponder.

This wasnt a problem before but no I get jumps in any of the recordings and sometimes when setting a new manual record the cogs appear and the screen freezes requiring a reboot.

Im on PLi updated last weekend but this seems to have been there before that.

Anyone else having this issue.

I will be trialing the VIX Image at the weekend (have to keep all indoors happy).
Great work guys looks good.

07-09-10, 12:03
I seem to be having a problem in the last few weeks when recording 3 channels.

They are all on cccam on local card with 2 on the same transponder.

This wasnt a problem before but no I get jumps in any of the recordings and sometimes when setting a new manual record the cogs appear and the screen freezes requiring a reboot.

Im on PLi updated last weekend but this seems to have been there before that.

Anyone else having this issue.

I will be trialing the VIX Image at the weekend (have to keep all indoors happy).
Great work guys looks good.

Try telnetting in to the box and running the e2fsck to check the disk for errors...

09-09-10, 07:48
Another question:

How many channels can be recorded simultaneously after all?

I read - 6 channels, but I tried myself with 3 HD channels - ok.
Then I tried with BBCi streams:
I started six: four recording fine, one stuck at 17 seconds, one - 0 seconds.
Tried several times, the same result. Only four really recording, others indicated as recording (timers created) but do not advance, one - 0, another one - again 17 seconds.
Maybe just BBCi - perhaps better to try some other channels.
However, to record specifically 6 BBCi channels would be great during Wimbledon, for example.

09-09-10, 09:16

I have seen the same patterns as you on recordings.
My common 4 channels are on one transponder and along with a second tuner I often have been recording multiple channels together.

I have the VU since Feb and have noticed that the recording of multiple channels (I remember 5 hd channels) has got worse over time.

Now recording a few channels and watching a recording causes all types of issues.

Have you played back any of the four fine recordings to see if there are any jumps / glitches / pixelating on them.

I had thought it might be a cccam issue but I watched some of the programs while recording and there was no issue with the live tv but the recordings had issues.

09-09-10, 10:59
those are FTA channels, and I did not notice any problems, but I did not watch for long.
I did test sometime ago with 3 HD channels, and they seemed to be all right.

If it is a ccam issue, that might explain it, as I do not use cccam, I am currently using mgcamd and nothing else

09-09-10, 11:17
I would say it's more likely to be an issue with the hdd. If at the beginning it was working fine, and now the hdd is getting more used, it could possibly be that that's the cause. I know that linux isn't meant to suffer from fragmentation, but when getting to less hdd space being available, all of the recordings are possibly trying to write on top of each other?! Dunno, just an idea. If you could completely reformat the drive and test again would help you to know...

Also, do as parkher says, and try recording from 4-5 fta channels, and see if that helps...

09-09-10, 14:52
Pooface, will do.
Im currently moving 300gb of recordings off the HDD (there is 700gb spare, never went below 700gb spare) with the intention of doing a wipe of the HDD and installing VIX at the w/e.
As for the HDD is it best to wipe before I install the new image or just to install VIX with the HDD the way it is and initalise the HDD once the new image is on there.

I might even try a different HDD.

Does the image install anything on the HDD (other than recordings) if I want to try another disk.

Im not 100% sure that the issue might be the disk, there has been a lot of updates and drivers etc since the first back in Feb which might have an impact.

I remember recording 4-5 hd progs and watching another with no issue on any of them and as you can see here others have issues recording more than 3.


09-09-10, 15:10
In regards to installation, nothing is installed on the hdd apart from the epg data when you shutdown/restart gui/reboot.

You shouldn't need to re-initialise the drive if you don't want to, as all the recordings can stay on it when you change to a new image...

Just been in the process of copying my files over too. Around 6 hours to copy about 500-600gb... lol. Just finishing checking for bad sectors before I put the drive back in. So far 63% on the 1tb partition on a non-destructive read-write test ... taken just over 23 hours so far! lol. Glad I'm using works electricity for it :p

23-09-10, 08:02
Update -

I did an online update on PLi last night (last one was 3-4 weeks ago) and it seems to have got rid of the pixelating issue on recordings playback.

PLi Image seems a bit more responsive than it used to (win-win).

I will leave the HDD thats in it for the time being.

Will be switching to VIX but waiting for smargo support and will change the disk then....