View Full Version : How to change addons server

07-09-10, 07:50
Now that the DE servers have stopped is there a way for people to change the server address in DE so that you still get downloads to work albeit from a diffo server ???

07-09-10, 07:56
you could try the nemisis server (extra url) lives in ETC ch mod to 744

but not got the file to hand, will try and find it, and test

just finished a long night shift, so will post it once i can think straight


07-09-10, 08:00
Nice one it may well help out some people still using DE after all it is still a nice image.

07-09-10, 08:16
This will not work I am afraid, DE is coded in a way that the emu scripts live in a folder called camscripts, most images have their own format on how this works.

If anyone needs a particular emu or script then just ask as I have access to most pf them.

07-09-10, 08:20
This will not work I am afraid, DE is coded in a way that the emu scripts live in a folder called camscripts, most images have their own format on how this works.

If anyone needs a particular emu or script then just ask as I have access to most pf them.

What all addons like channel lists as well ? this is what i meant more than cam scripts !

07-09-10, 11:11
What all addons like channel lists as well ? this is what i meant more than cam scripts !

If you want channel lists they can be easily packed for a manual install, just let me know which you want.

07-09-10, 12:03
I do understand what your saying Donnie but some people may not know how to do that and it still makes things easier if we can get access to other addons via the online server through the box.

07-09-10, 13:05
If you have a server or space to host the files then it can easily be done, but as an alternative just update as and when you need manually.

I personally have not changed the emu I use on DE images since day one, I just use software manager to back up my emu script and bin file and restored from backup when I used a new image.

Other than a few picons or settings there is not a great deal that you should even need to update.

07-09-10, 13:14
Donnie m8 I know how to do all this BUT im thinking for others who don't and my original question was how we can manually add another Url to connect to via the box, if you know how to do this then please comment further if not then let someone else comment who does know please as i don't want to keep going around in circles on manual updating.

thanks for your input never the less.

07-09-10, 13:30
Donnie m8 I know how to do all this BUT im thinking for others who don't and my original question was how we can manually add another Url to connect to via the box, if you know how to do this then please comment further if not then let someone else comment who does know please as i don't want to keep going around in circles on manual updating.

thanks for your input never the less.

You can't manually add another URL for another addons feed as most of the addons for DE would need to be compiled for the DE file structure, with the exception of Settings / bouquets. Now I believe a feed has become live for the DE images http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?2120-Dream-Elite-Server-Softcam-ONLINE I don't know if this is for softcams only or if other plugins are included.

07-09-10, 13:51
Thanks sic that's what i wondered ok so we need a simple alternative to the de server for settings and cams, if not it will be as Donnie said earlier and manual ftp for everything.

07-09-10, 13:55
Unless the current feed that's just been enabled offers anything other than softcams, its back to manual FTP.

07-09-10, 14:03
Yes, that feed is only for softcams, cccam,g-box,mgcamd (+ config.files)

07-09-10, 15:10
Well in some ways, it could be good, that FTP needs to be used, on a few images, some years ago, on the 9100 units, I did actually set up my own download service, but have long forgotton how, but it was just a case of changing an address in a file,

as far as updateing say CCcam goes, a simple alternitive would be to download the required cam, rename it exactly as per the existing cam, and ftp it over, then ch mod it to 755
