View Full Version : Missing EPG data in Rytec Denmark XMLTV

11-09-12, 17:52
I have a setup to update EPG every day, but there are a lot of channels
which are not updated. I am using Canal Digital and Viasat.
I am running VIX 3.0.245.
I tried to import Rytec Sweden XMLTV and then everything are there,
but, you know, I like the data in Danish.

Can I do anything?

11-09-12, 19:41
There is a dedicated forum for Rytec and have moved your post there

11-09-12, 21:50
Use the xepgdb danish provider that one works fine

23-09-12, 08:01
Still I am not able to get EPG to work optimal. i have set up Rytec Denmark XMLTV to import both automaticly and manually, and it import normally 36974 events. To be fullprof I setup GrossEPG too using Rytec Denmark XMLTV (XEPGDB repacked) and setup this both automaticly and try manual download as well. A lot of the channels are being updated, but the are still a lot og channels with no EPG data. am I doing this wrong, or do I just have to accept that it is not possible to get all the EPG data?

23-09-12, 17:29
I just checked the only ones i do not get epg data for are the regional tv2 channels, tlc denmark and Espn america everything else is fine.
Try updating the XEPGDP providers and only use those for the sats you need its also worth trying to delete all your epg data before downloading the latest epg data