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View Full Version : [Rytec/RyVIX-XMLTV] Auotmated VIX Download of RYTEC EPG shows 0 Events

10-09-12, 08:33

Ive noticed for the last few days the Auotmated VIX Download of RYTEC EPG shows 0 Events when it runs.
Ive also seen this with Manual Updates.
But if I run it a few times eventually it works. (70000 ish events)
Dont know if its a VIX, XMLTV_importer or Rytec issue but its annoying.

Anyone else have this issue.

I was going to uplaoad a screen shot of the import log but the screenshot feature doesnt work on OPENWEBIF on my DUO (even though its fine on my SOLO).

Is there a way to have the import run a few times to make sure the EPG is updated.

10-09-12, 08:53
try deleting all instances of epg.dat then do a manual download

10-09-12, 09:45
also if your trying to do a screenshot from a pc / laptop try a telnet session with following commands.

grab -o -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD only.
grab -d -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD with channel.

screenshots will be saved to /tmp on the receiver.

10-09-12, 11:51
try deleting all instances of epg.dat then do a manual download

Did that and no difference....

10-09-12, 11:55
Did that and no difference....

Did you stop enigma2 before removing the epg.dat? Also, did you remove all previously downloaded data (can't remember how rytec works, but if it's like crossepg, there will be a folder which stores all downloaded data)?