View Full Version : Can't Create SYMLINK in /var

06-09-10, 22:17
I'm having trouble creating a SYMLINK in /var

I can get the SYMLINK to be created however as soon as I shutdown and restart the box I loose the symlink again.

AM i doing something wrong here?

06-09-10, 23:26
It sounds like you could be creating the link to a non-permanent object, such as something in /dev?

07-09-10, 12:14
Just noticed that anything I put in the VAR Directory gets emptied out no matter if it's a file, symlink or a directory.

Not sure how to stop this.

The Symlinks work from other locations, so it must be somethig to do with the VAR Folder itself. :confused:

07-09-10, 12:31
You could create a script to create it? And check it is still there and re-creeate if it is not there?

07-09-10, 12:35
Not a bad idea.
I'll give that a go tonight maybe!!

07-09-10, 12:43
no probs...cant imagine being a long script.... :D

Just add to cron afetr...