View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] "WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?" messages now and then

08-09-12, 11:56
What will cause this issue?

Using now 3.0 Build 262

If i but timers they can record for a while but after a while i maybe get popup which says "WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?" and it stops
There have never been this kind of issue when using eg. BH image. Recording will go to correct place at /hdd/movie

root@vuduo:~# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 104708 61476 43232 59% /
devtmpfs 69072 4 69068 0% /dev
tmpfs 64 0 64 0% /media
/dev/sda1 976984 8104 968880 1% /media/usb
tmpfs 69188 168 69020 0% /var/volatile
7324175520 6245064160 1079111360 85% /media/net/nas

fixed up 1344f7c26 to 5afd90 (offset 0)
[TIMER] record event 5
[TIMER] record event 8
WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage
ERROR reading PES (fd=49) - Value too large for defined data type
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 49(8)
[SoftcamManager] CCcam.2.2.1 already running
[SoftcamManager] Telnet info not allowed, can not check if frozen
job Components.Task.Job name=SoftcamCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
[EPGC] start caching events(1347097501)
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule reading
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
[EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
[EPGC] nownext finished(1347097512)
[EPGC] stop caching events(1347097512)
[EPGC] next update in 60 min

root@vuduo:~# cat /etc/fstab
rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
UUID=60AF-4D53 /media/usb vfat defaults 0 0 /media/net/nas nfs nfsvers=3,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo= 14,fg,soft,intr 0 0
UUID=98E7-0D66 /media/usb vfat defaults 0 0

08-09-12, 12:12
The error is saying the destination is full, go into the recordings menu and check where the path is pointing to.

from your dumps USB is mounted right but go into mount manager and make sure its not been changed to use as HDD or similar

08-09-12, 16:19
Recordings will go to correct place which has almost 1TB free space. Same directory contans about 5 year recordings. My another box is recording to same place without probs. I can record, but some of them will stop after 5min, 12min, 37min etc or last till end.

I Will check usb settings. If there is something odd. USB contains only crossepg and now debug logs.

08-09-12, 18:37
Removed USB and issue still persist

09-09-12, 07:18
Testing different fstab settings for NFS mount. Any advice?
Mount settings on first post was directly come when mounted with remote control.

Now testing:

root@vuduo:~# cat /etc/fstab
rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
UUID=60AF-4D53 /media/usb vfat defaults 0 0 /media/net/nas nfs rw,soft,async,nolock 0 0

root@vuduo:~# cat /proc/mounts
rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
ubi0:rootfs / ubifs rw,sync,relatime 0 0
devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=69072k,nr_inodes=17268,mode=755 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
tmpfs /media tmpfs rw,relatime,size=64k 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw,relatime 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd nfsd rw,relatime 0 0 /media/net/nas nfs rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=524288,wsize=524288,namle n=255,soft,nolock,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=70,re trans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=all,addr= 0 0

09-09-12, 15:52
Looks like NFS is not the problem. Tested with CIFS also, same thing..

Here in attached screenshot, one of the recordings has stopped and one still recording, do not know how long..
both are red but second one is stopped with message "Write error...."


09-09-12, 17:19
I do not get it, do not find any user error :)
Back to BH.

29-09-12, 12:54
Same issue here, with hdd or nfs after 5min or 15min "error while recording ¿disk full?"

But I dont change, i follow with VIX ;)


Vu+ solo, vix 3.0 build 204

start recording...
RECORD: have 1 video stream(s) (00a0), and 3 audio stream(s) (0052, 0053, 0051) (0021, 0021), and the pcr pid is 00a0, and the text pid is ffffffff
ADD PID: 0021
ADD PID: 0051
ADD PID: 0053
ADD PID: 0500
[TIMER] record event 4
[TIMER] record event 6
[eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 1 service 1:0:19:2261:438:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 50001100001
pcr of eit change: 1376a81dc
[eDVBServiceRecord] now running: ARSENAL / CHELSEA (6600 seconds)
[TIMER] record event 9
[eDVBRecordFileThread] wait: aio_return returned failure: Interrupted system call
[eFilePushThreadRecorder] WRITE ERROR, aborting thread
[eDVBServiceRecord] record write error
stop recording!
[eDVBRecordFileThread] waiting for aio to complete
[eDVBRecordFileThread] buffer usage histogram (16 buffers of 188 kB)
0: 25
1: 126
2: 17
3: 1
[eFilePushThreadRecorder] THREAD STOP
[eFilePushThreadRecorder] stopping thread.
thread joined 0
loading streaminfo for /media/net/NaujEDisk/20120929 1420 - CANAL+ HD - ARSENAL _ CHELSEA.ts
fixed up 1376a81dc to 12c54 (offset 0)
[TIMER] record event 5
[TIMER] record event 8
WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage

29-09-12, 18:36
I was just getting VIX back to test, but i will skip it for now :)

31-10-12, 15:25
Same issue here, with hdd or nfs after 5min or 15min "error while recording ¿disk full?"

Did you get rid of this issue?

23-11-12, 20:59
oh cr*p. Two days happy using VIX but now again suddenly "Write error on recording, disk full".
There we´re none recording issues with BH image in this 2.5 months which were between last test of VIX.
Now using Build 433.

Current NFS mount options

root@vuduo:~# cat /proc/mounts
rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
ubi0:rootfs / ubifs rw,sync,relatime 0 0
devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=69072k,nr_inodes=17268,mode=755 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
tmpfs /media tmpfs rw,relatime,size=64k 0 0
/dev/sda1 /media/usb vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022 ,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw,relatime 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd nfsd rw,relatime 0 0 /media/hdd nfs rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen= 255,soft,nolock,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=14,retr ans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=all,addr= 0 0

edit: No problem with dd

root@vuduo:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/hdd/testfile bs=188K
root@vuduo:~# ls /media/hdd/testfile -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 5998096384 Nov 23 22:10 /media/hdd/testfile

24-11-12, 07:10
And last night it did happen again.

[TIMER] activating state 1
begin_date: 20121123 2100
service_name: Discovery (F)
name: Mafian parhaat
description: Mafia's Greatest Hits. Salaisiin FBI:n tietoihin perustuva sarja paljastaa totuuden mafian pahamaineisimmista tappajista ja heidän taustoistaan.
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] backoff: retry in 5 seconds
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] failed to find mount to check for free space.
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage
getFPWasTimerWakeup: False

24-11-12, 08:52
root@vuduo:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/hdd/testfile bs=188K
root@vuduo:~# ls /media/hdd/testfile -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 45288062976 Nov 24 09:50 /media/hdd/testfile

45GB test with dd no problems.

25-11-12, 16:20
And some more logs from just happened Disk full error, if anyone figure what can be the issue?
I was watching recorded show and then new timer record started and "Disk Full" popup came.

[EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1353856565.63
[AutoTimer] Auto Poll Enabled
[SoftcamManager] AutoStart Enabled
[CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
[CI_Activate] FOUND 2 CI Slots
[CI_Activate_Config_CI0] no config file found
[CI_Activate_Config_CI0] error parsing xml...
[CI_Activate_Config_CI1] no config file found
[CI_Activate_Config_CI1] error parsing xml...
starting hotplug handler
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sun Nov 25 15:44:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Talent Suomi, begin=Sun Nov 25 15:45:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] activating state 1
begin_date: 20121125 1545
service_name: Nelonen
name: Talent Suomi
description: Finaali II. Tänään esiintyvät tulitaiteilija Jamie Chyay, laulaja Anniina Ahven, kvintetti Con Brio, tanssija Edward Sabo, laulaja Jorma Koponen, voimistelijakaksikko Supertytöt, laulaja Peter Räsänen ja Bollywood-ryhmä DBDC. Tuomareina nähdään Janne Kataja, Maria Sid ja Mikko von Hertzen, ja ohjelman juontavat Lorenz Backman ja Sebastian Rejman. Kotimainen viihdeohjelma. 4. tuotantokausi. (66')
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] backoff: retry in 5 seconds
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] failed to find mount to check for free space.
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sun Nov 25 17:14:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Vain elämää, begin=Sun Nov 25 17:15:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] activating state 1
begin_date: 20121125 1715
service_name: Nelonen
name: Vain elämää
description: Artistien yhteinen viikko huipentuu duettopäivään. Jokainen artisti valitsee duettoparin ja yhden omista hiteistään ja ikimuistoinen päivä voi alkaa. 1. tuotantokausi. (63') Ohjelman tekstitys teksti-tv:n sivulla 333.
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] backoff: retry in 5 seconds
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] failed to find mount to check for free space.
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
(found in notifications)
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Mon Nov 26 06:49:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=PIKKU KAKKONEN, begin=Mon Nov 26 06:50:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.yle_tv2.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Mon Nov 26 16:58:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Pikku Kakkonen, begin=Mon Nov 26 16:59:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.yle_tv2.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Wed Nov 28 19:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Kuppilat kuntoon, Jyrki Sukula!, begin=Wed Nov 28 20:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Wed Nov 28 20:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Greyn anatomia, begin=Wed Nov 28 21:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Wed Nov 28 21:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Hyvät ja huonot uutiset, begin=Wed Nov 28 22:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 30 19:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Erätulilla, begin=Fri Nov 30 19:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.yle_tv2.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sat Dec 1 07:54:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Palomies Sami (S) - Fireman Sam, begin=Sat Dec 1 07:55:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:1A94:44:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Nov 22 19:06:01 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Neljän tähden illallinen, begin=Thu Nov 22 19:06:21 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Nov 22 20:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Huutokauppa, begin=Thu Nov 22 20:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Nov 22 22:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Pawn Stars, begin=Thu Nov 22 23:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:106A:29:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Nov 22 23:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Storage Wars, begin=Thu Nov 22 23:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:106A:29:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu Nov 22 23:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Ancient Aliens, begin=Fri Nov 23 00:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:106A:29:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 19:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Huutokauppa, begin=Fri Nov 23 20:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 20:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Mafian parhaat, begin=Fri Nov 23 21:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 20:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Huutokauppa, begin=Fri Nov 23 20:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 21:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Ruudinkäryä, begin=Fri Nov 23 22:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 22:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Dino 2, begin=Fri Nov 23 22:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:CFB:21:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sat Nov 24 00:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Mafian parhaat, begin=Sat Nov 24 01:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Fri Nov 23 23:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Kullan sukeltajat, begin=Sat Nov 24 00:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:1:19F:4:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sat Nov 24 02:24:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Pelkokerroin, begin=Sat Nov 24 02:25:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.jim.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sat Nov 24 01:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Pelkokerroin, begin=Sat Nov 24 01:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.jim.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sat Nov 24 19:29:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Talent Suomi, begin=Sat Nov 24 19:30:00 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.nelonen.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
getFPWasTimerWakeup: False
[ImageManager] AutoStart Enabled
[ImageManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=su 25. marraskuuta 2012 17.16.06)
[BackupManager] AutoStart Enabled
[BackupManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=su 25. marraskuuta 2012 17.16.06)
[EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1353856566.6
[EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to -1 (now=1353856566)
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_s-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_c-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_t-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_service_group-fs8.png
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
[Skin] Attribute not implemented: alphatest value: blend

25-11-12, 17:19
And some more info.

NFS mount made with Network Browser, settings we´re

root@vuduo:/etc# nfsstat -m
/media/hdd from
Flags: rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen= 255,soft,nolock,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=14,retr ans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=all,addr=

MiLo (OpenPli) suggest settings: rw,async,soft
So changed those to fstab.
After reboot

root@vuduo:~# nfsstat -m
/media/hdd from
Flags: rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=524288,wsize=524288,namle n=255,soft,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=70,retrans=3 ,sec=sys,local_lock=none,addr=

Testing continues.

12-12-12, 14:56
Anyone, tips for this issue? :)

Problem started again. Trying watch one SDTV recording and doing one recording.

[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Wed Dec 12 15:13:29 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Talent USA, begin=Wed Dec 12 15:13:49 2012, serviceref=1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "alternatives.jim.tv" ORDER BY bouquet, justplay=0)
[TIMER] activating state 1
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] backoff: retry in 5 seconds
[RecordTimer] media is not mounted: /media/hdd/movie
[TIMER] failed to find mount to check for free space.
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage
[ImageManager] AutoStart Enabled
[ImageManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=ke 12. joulukuuta 2012 15.46.21)
[BackupManager] AutoStart Enabled
[BackupManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=ke 12. joulukuuta 2012 15.46.21)
[EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1355319981.16
[EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to -1 (now=1355319981)
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_s-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_c-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_dvb_t-fs8.png
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/ico_service_group-fs8.png
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
[Skin] Attribute not implemented: alphatest value: blend

I have raised nfsd count with config on server from 8 to 16

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 15:02
Problem started again. Trying watch one SDTV recording and doing one recording.
Can you post the outcome of the telnet commands 'blkid', 'mount' and 'df -h'?

12-12-12, 15:53
what build are you running ?.

12-12-12, 16:00
Can you post the outcome of the telnet commands 'blkid', 'mount' and 'df -h'?

root@vuduo:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 102.3M 63.2M 39.1M 62% /
devtmpfs 67.5M 4.0K 67.4M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
/dev/sda1 958.7M 589.6M 369.1M 62% /media/usb
tmpfs 67.6M 140.0K 67.4M 0% /var/volatile
6.8T 6.4T 404.4G 94% /media/hdd

root@vuduo:~# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
ubi0:rootfs on / type ubifs (rw,sync,relatime)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=69072k,nr_inodes=17268,mode=755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /media type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=64k)
/dev/sda1 on /media/usb type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=002 2,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /var/volatile type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620)
nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw,relatime) on /media/hdd type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=524288,wsize=524288,naml en=255,soft,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=70,retrans= 3,sec=sys,local_lock=none,addr=

root@vuduo:~# blkid
/dev/ubi0_0: UUID="16cc3c12-b33e-402d-a640-00ca75662c19" TYPE="ubifs"
/dev/sda1: UUID="F886-6A81" TYPE="vfat"

what build are you running ?.

At the moment Build 502, issue has been at least since 262, but I think it has follow me all ways with OpenPli 3.0 based images.
Ever seen this issue with non-OpenPli images. Same Atom based Ubuntu NAS has been on use couple of years now. I have used DM800, DM7025 and Vu+ DUO with it.

If this tells something... i do not know :)

root@vuduo:~# nfsstat -c
Client rpc stats:
calls retrans authrefrsh
7795 0 7795

Client nfs v3:
null getattr setattr lookup access readlink
0 0% 650 8% 2 0% 63 0% 643 8% 2 0%
read write create mkdir symlink mknod
2392 30% 3280 42% 17 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
remove rmdir rename link readdir readdirplus
3 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 207 2%
fsstat fsinfo pathconf commit
10 0% 6 0% 0 0% 517 6%

Rob van der Does
12-12-12, 16:22
Please update and try again: from build 508 a network tweak has been implemented.

12-12-12, 16:23
i made changes to the way mounts are detected for rec timers in build 508, could update to a build later than this and try again please.

12-12-12, 16:37
Update will be done. I inform after next "Disk full -popup" (hope not!) or after some days has past.

12-12-12, 16:57
ok thanks.

13-12-12, 15:13
ok thanks.

It didn´t help :(
One recording was on, started playback from old recording, about 30 secs after play, playback and timer recording stopped.
Disk Full popup didn´t show that was only thing which differ earlier.

Debug log

There´s nothing about Disk full errors.

13-12-12, 17:40
i had some similar issues when i first started using an NFS share to record/playback things

it was due to the way i had NFS setup on the server, it wasnt exporting the directories properly.

just looking at some of your fstabs and stuff it looks different to mine. when i get home i'll put up my settings.

this is my setup,

Ubuntu server with NFS which my 2TB drive is attached and mounted into /home/user. NFS exports this directory for sharing.
my quad conencts to this NFS share which is setup in mount manager in network settings. (also need to install NFS on the box and make sure "use as hdd replacement" is ticked)

13-12-12, 18:32
My exports file on server is pretty basic

@NAS:/etc$ cat exports |grep dream

but still, this issue is only with OpenPli images.

and speed test to NFS server, also transfered 20GB from VU to NAS via NFS

Results for write throughput:
76.695 Mbit/s with udp,async,wsize=16384
76.695 Mbit/s with tcp,async,wsize=4096
67.108 Mbit/s with udp,async,wsize=8192
67.108 Mbit/s with udp,async,wsize=4096
67.108 Mbit/s with udp,async,wsize=32768
67.108 Mbit/s with tcp,async,wsize=8192
67.108 Mbit/s with tcp,async,wsize=32768
67.108 Mbit/s with tcp,async,wsize=16384

Results for read throughput:
89.478 Mbit/s with udp,async,rsize=8192
89.478 Mbit/s with udp,async,rsize=32768
89.478 Mbit/s with udp,async,rsize=16384
89.478 Mbit/s with tcp,async,rsize=8192
89.478 Mbit/s with tcp,async,rsize=4096
89.478 Mbit/s with tcp,async,rsize=32768
89.478 Mbit/s with tcp,async,rsize=16384
76.695 Mbit/s with udp,async,rsize=4096

root@vuduo:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/hdd/testfile bs=188K
root@vuduo:~# ls /media/hdd/testfile -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 20935041024 Nov 23 22:10 /media/hdd/testfile

14-12-12, 08:58
Trying different mount options.

Was with TCP: on /media/hdd type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=524288,wsize=524288,naml en=255,soft,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=70,retrans= 3,sec=sys,local_lock=none,addr=

Now with UDP: on /media/hdd type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen =255,soft,proto=udp,port=65535,timeo=100,retrans=1 0,sec=sys,local_lock=none,addr=

14-12-12, 10:52
My exports file on server is pretty basic

@NAS:/etc$ cat exports |grep dream

but still, this issue is only with OpenPli images.

and speed test to NFS server, also transfered 20GB from VU to NAS via NFS.......

when you say openpli images, are you talking open pli image or another (ViX), remember ViX is NOT OpenPLi, my network code is different from PLi's

and just fro reference here my ubuntu exports.

/root/Downloads,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_chec k)
/root/STB,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_chec k)

and why i use TCP not UDP.

5.4. NFS Over TCP

A new feature, available is NFS over TCP. Using TCP has a distinct advantage and a distinct disadvantage over UDP. The advantage is that it works far better than UDP on lossy networks. When using TCP, a single dropped packet can be retransmitted, without the retransmission of the entire RPC request, resulting in better performance on lossy networks. In addition, TCP will handle network speed differences better than UDP, due to the underlying flow control at the network level.
The disadvantage of using TCP is that it is not a stateless protocol like UDP. If your server crashes in the middle of a packet transmission, the client will hang and any shares will need to be unmounted and remounted.
The overhead incurred by the TCP protocol will result in somewhat slower performance than UDP under ideal network conditions, but the cost is not severe, and is often not noticable without careful measurement. If you are using gigabit ethernet from end to end, you might also investigate the usage of jumbo frames, since the high speed network may allow the larger frame sizes without encountering increased collision rates, particularly if you have set the network to full duplex.

14-12-12, 12:01
when you say openpli images, are you talking open pli image or another (ViX), remember ViX is NOT OpenPLi, my network code is different from PLi's

At the moment i do mean ViX images only, i have thought that network code is the same on all OpenPli based images. If i do not remember totally wrong same issue has been also with real OpenPli images, it is so long time when i have
last time used real OpenPli, so i cannot be 100% sure about this.

and just fro reference here my ubuntu exports.

[CODE]/root/Downloads,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_chec k)
/root/STB,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_chec k)

Now I added no_root_squash and no_subtree_check to exports.
I have used only (rw) on exports for years.

and why i use TCP not UDP.

I have used TCP for years, but now give it a try to UDP. My NAS is solid and behind UPS, so i´ll give a try for it. Have to find something which can solve this issue :)

I really want use OpenViX! That´s why I haven´t gave up :)

Just cannot be sure which causes this, is it NAS or ViX or both as this case looks to be very rare. Maybe both as example NFS on BlackHole works like a charm with my setup.

16-12-12, 08:45
Trying different mount options.

Now with UDP: on /media/hdd type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen =255,soft,proto=udp,port=65535,timeo=100,retrans=1 0,sec=sys,local_lock=none,addr=

Damn, no help :(
Again disk full arrived when playback an record when another recording is on. So this does not like playback & record sametime.

[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sun Dec 16 08:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Strike Back, begin=Sun Dec 16 09:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:584:E:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] activating state 1
[TIMER] Filename calculated as: '/media/hdd/movie/20121216 0900 - C More Series HD - Strike Back'
[TIMER] Not enough free space to record
[TIMER] Not enough free space to record
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage

root@vuduo:~# nfsstat -c
Client rpc stats:
calls retrans authrefrsh
1083977 18662 1083997

Now testing with hard mount :) /media/hdd nfs rw,async,hard,tcp,intr 0 0

hard or soft — Specifies whether the program using a file via an NFS connection should stop and wait (hard) for the server to come back online, if the host serving the exported file system is unavailable, or if it should report an error (soft).

If hard is specified, the user cannot terminate the process waiting for the NFS communication to resume unless the intr option is also specified.

If soft is specified, the user can set an additional timeo=<value> option, where <value> specifies the number of seconds to pass before the error is reported.

Note: Using soft mounts is not recommended as they can generate I/O errors in very congested networks or when using a very busy server.

intr — Allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or cannot be reached.

16-12-12, 11:11
Damn, no help :(
Again disk full arrived when playback an record when another recording is on. So this does not like playback & record sametime.

[TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Sun Dec 16 08:59:40 2012
[Timer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Strike Back, begin=Sun Dec 16 09:00:00 2012, serviceref=1:0:19:584:E:46:E080000:0:0:0:, justplay=0)
[TIMER] activating state 1
[TIMER] Filename calculated as: '/media/hdd/movie/20121216 0900 - C More Series HD - Strike Back'
[TIMER] Not enough free space to record
[TIMER] Not enough free space to record
RemovePopup, id = DiskFullMessage
AddPopup, id = DiskFullMessage

root@vuduo:~# nfsstat -c
Client rpc stats:
calls retrans authrefrsh
1083977 18662 1083997

Now testing with hard mount :) /media/hdd nfs rw,async,hard,tcp,intr 0 0

hard or soft — Specifies whether the program using a file via an NFS connection should stop and wait (hard) for the server to come back online, if the host serving the exported file system is unavailable, or if it should report an error (soft).

If hard is specified, the user cannot terminate the process waiting for the NFS communication to resume unless the intr option is also specified.

If soft is specified, the user can set an additional timeo=<value> option, where <value> specifies the number of seconds to pass before the error is reported.

Note: Using soft mounts is not recommended as they can generate I/O errors in very congested networks or when using a very busy server.

intr — Allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or cannot be reached.

might be bandwidth issues then remember 4-6mb sec max is what you will get so recording and playing at same IMO i pushing bandwidth as would 2 HD recordings at same.

can you do some more tests.

BTW, when using HARD if your server drops it share your client box will just sit there waiting with spinners, this is why openvix does not use 'HARD'.

16-12-12, 12:30
might be bandwidth issues then remember 4-6mb sec max is what you will get so recording and playing at same IMO i pushing bandwidth as would 2 HD recordings at same.

can you do some more tests.

Just tested only recording there was 2x SD + 1 HD = Disk full message. I will test this same thing with BH, maybe OpenPLi also, to be sure is this issue only with Vix or Openpli.

BTW, when using HARD if your server drops it share your client box will just sit there waiting with spinners, this is why openvix does not use 'HARD'.

Ok. Didn´t tested it yet. but using initr should avoid this?
intr — Allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or cannot be reached.

16-12-12, 13:17
hard option wasn´t the key :)
2x SD + HD = Disk Full

I think i can be now sure that changing NFS options do not give me any help with this.

16-12-12, 18:24
hard option wasn´t the key :)
2x SD + HD = Disk Full

I think i can be now sure that changing NFS options do not give me any help with this.

try with just one recording, see what it does, if no DISK FULL it is bandwidth.

17-12-12, 15:18
try with just one recording, see what it does, if no DISK FULL it is bandwidth.

No problems with one recording all of them are fine, i think all DISK FULL messages has arrived when doing more than one recording.

Swapped now back to BlackHole and yes all recording do work fine with out an any issues.
Tested 2xSD + HD = OK about one hour recording.
Now recording 2xHD + SD + SD playback = after 15 minutes everything Ok.
Will check little bit later how my recording do work are they fine
or do i see some glitches. At least playback is flawless :)

17-12-12, 19:45
2xHD+SD recordings are glitch free, so there´s no problem with network. It´s something very odd and rare :)

Del Boy
06-01-13, 00:26
I've just had a similar thing. Got a new Solo2 box on latest version as of today, mounted my NFS Share but then when it recored I got disk full and worse than that because it was in autotimer it just kept looping round. It all started when I hit the pause button. Cant send log because the box is in accessible. Going to have to re-install - any ideas.

Incidentally, tried a re-install of my image I made today. Comes up press power to update, then UBIFS but it doesnt completely replace the previous image and the problem with looping through this record issue is still here? Have I got to run a standard image then mine over the top or something? Not really any different to a standard backup!

All help gratefully received


Del Boy
06-01-13, 00:29
Also noticed that my old DUO used to ask for a username and password on shares but the solo2 doesn't. Was sure on the DUO I could select a NAS drive and select it under mounts like a local HDD whereas with the solo2 I'm having to use bookmarks which aren't my preferred choice

16-01-13, 09:38
Im getting "write error" on the solo2 and its brand new only opened yesterday and so is the 1tb hardrive?

16-01-13, 09:44
Im getting "write error" on the solo2 and its brand new only opened yesterday and o is the 1tb hardrive?

Your starting to live up to your name aren't you! :p

Create your own thread with Solo2 tag and you may get a better response.

16-01-13, 09:50
Your starting to live up to your name aren't you! :p

Create your own thread with Solo2 tag and you may get a better response.

10-11-13, 20:58
Hey - has anyone come up with any solution to this problem? I have a Vu+Duo running the latest vix 3.0.778 and have been updating the software everytime I see a new one to try and fix this problem. Essentially, I can not now record any two shows without everything failing about 13 minutes into the recording. I also frequently get the "write error while recording. Disk full?" message with a single recording -though sometimes the recordings are OK -other times they fail. I have now just tried a completely new hard drive, inititalised and mounted etc and set 2 shows to timer together. The drive itself is now making horrendous noises and I've had the spinning vix logo in the corner for 10 minutes. It only appears to happen when 2 timers clash (this happens quite a lot for me). Is there any way to fix this? Some people have said swapping to a black hole image solves it, but I really am not keen on doing that - I really like the vix image and have never had any problems like this before. I don't seem to get crash logs or anything (I usually end up switching the box off at the back to fix it) - so really not sure if I can provide any more info. Anyone able to help with this?

11-11-13, 15:07
You could try to set up a swap file to see if that helps.

Or you could go back to the earlier ViX image v2.4 to see if that works without problems.

Noises from hard drives suggest that the hard drive itself is not working well - try a different hard drive if you have one available to test.

11-11-13, 15:17
Do u have tspanel installed? If so this is probably causing it

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

13-11-13, 20:04
Cheers for the replies. Not sure what a swap file is or what tspanel is! I will dig aorund the forum and see if I can find out and see if they can help. I've gone way back to an old image and backup - but it constantly crashes (spinning vix logo).

13-11-13, 20:06
If you don't know what TSpanel is than you dont have it installed.

Swap > Blue button>VIX>SWAP MANAGER

basically uses the HDD for extra memory

15-11-13, 20:47
Thanks Stanman - have gone back to latest image (3.0.783) and (fingers crossed) it seems more stable for me. Have also moved as many timers as possible to stop them clashing! Don't have Swap Manager in plugins either - but it sounds like it might be useful. I'll search for the plugin and try it out. Thanks again.

16-11-13, 00:07
not in plug-in mate.

read my instructions above for location

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

02-02-14, 01:26
Hey - just thought I'd reply back here in case anyone is still having this problem. I managed to solve it by using a powered USB hub between my external hard drive and the Vu+Duo. I don't know why that helps, but I have not had any more "write error" messages or recording failures with overlapping timers (touch wood). Perhaps the external HDD wasn't pulling enough power from just the Vu+ box?? Not sure, but it works for me and may for others. FYI, my hub was a D-Link DUB-H4/B USB 2.0 4-Port Hub (about £15 on Amazon). Only down side is I usually power off my Vu+ overnight and it now means that the external HDD is essentially "on" or powered all the time. Long term, I don't know if this is bad for the drive, but haven't had any issues so far (again, touch wood). Anyway, just thought I'd post this in case it helps! :thumbsup:

Rob van der Does
02-02-14, 10:40
1- Bus powered HDD's are always a bad idea. You now know why.
2- Sleep management of an USB-HDD is in the USB-SATA converter. It's very difficult to find any info on that subject from any manufacturer; some will stay on for ever (not bad for the drive at all), some will fall asleep after 5 minutes (or so) not being used.

14-01-15, 20:17
Thanks DrRommany. This gave me a hint on my problem with an external 2.5 HDD in HFS+ format on OpenViX ( only image supporting such format) with Vu+ solo2.

I used a USB3 splitter cable plugged on two USB port at the back of the solo2. No problem with write error anymore.

I had the HDD in NTFS with OpenPLI image before and did not have such write problem so it may be related to the HFS+ or the mounting process.

I have formatted the HDD in HFS+ to be able to plug it into my JB Ipad to see all my movies.

19-01-15, 21:04
I was a bit optimistic. A few recordings worked with the HFS+ disk then I got again the write error when a recording started from deep standby. Then after a reboot the disk was mounted with read only. I had to connect it again to my Mac to have it working with write capability on Vu solo2.

I tried another disk with the same result. The problem seems to be in the HFS+ driver in the OpenVIX and maybe in the non support of HFS+ with the journaled option which makes the transfer of data to the HDD safer. I am now back to a HDD in NTFS Format and I transfer recordings to SDcard to be play them on the IPad.