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View Full Version : MP Alan Duncan supports Welby intruder shooting couple

03-09-12, 16:50
An MP has said two householders should not be prosecuted for protecting their home after they were arrested for firing a gun at alleged burglars.
Alan Duncan, MP for Rutland and Melton, said the case was "straightforward" and the married couple from Welby were defending themselves.
Leicestershire Police were called by the man who said he had fired a shotgun at a group of intruders.

One of the suspected raiders called an ambulance. Another went to hospital.
Officers said a 35-year-old man and his 43-year-old wife were arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Four men, aged 27, 23, 31 and 33, were arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary.
A police spokeswoman said officers had been granted more time to question all six.

Legally held shotgun

Mr Duncan, a government minister, said: "If this is a straightforward case of someone using a shotgun to defend themselves against burglars in the dead of night, then I would hope that the police will prosecute the burglars and not my constituents.
"The householder is the victim here and justice should support them and prosecute the burglars."
A statement from Leicestershire Police said: "Police were called at 12.26am this morning [Sunday] by a man reporting a group of men had broken into his home in Melton.
"The man stated that during the course of the incident he had fired a legally held shotgun and the intruders had left the scene.
"Around five minutes later the ambulance service called to tell us they had been called to a man with injuries consistent with shotgun injuries.
"A second man presented at Leicester Royal Infirmary with similar injuries."
All six remain in custody on Monday, Leicestershire Police confirmed.

03-09-12, 16:59
Being a shotgun license holder my self i am appalled that the police have arrested this couple for defending them selves in the dead of the night against 4 intruders. This country is too concerned with the rights of those committing the crimes than the victims of such crimes.

03-09-12, 22:24
this smacks of the norfolk farmer case ( think it was norfolk )
untill the investigation is complete, its hard to call this one, as it might involve other issues ( drugs, stolen goods, money owed or whatever )
but if it was simple defence of home and family, its a shame one of them was,nt totalled