View Full Version : Installing internal SATA?

06-09-10, 15:08
Has anyone installed internal SATA,
if you have what kind of disk did you install and did you encounter on any problems.
I want to install internal SATA disk, I tried to find some help on web but to no luck.

06-09-10, 15:11
Take a look here (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?860-Please-post-your-working-brand-of-internal-SATA-HDD-and-size)

06-09-10, 15:22
Yes but did you run to any problems when installing and mounting or anything

06-09-10, 15:25
Yes but did you run to any problems when installing and mounting or anything

Read the title of the thread ;)

Only ever had problems when mounting/installing when using the dream-elite image...

I now create entries in my fstab myself anyway, as I have 2 partitions on my drive, and use 1 as an archive/backup, and the other as the main recording space...

06-09-10, 16:13
easy m8 no problems at all don't worry,

the majority here have hard disks connected and some are even more advanced like pooface having partitions on the disk ;)

06-09-10, 16:54
I used a 1 TB Samsung, after reading that people ran into problems with > 1 TB of files on their HDs, decided to eliminate that potential problem.
No problems so far, PLi image.

I am also accessing hard drives from my PC through the network, and the hard drive in Duo mapped on PC, using samba.

Still to try: to use NFS instead of samba (on Windows XP, additional stuff has to be installed), to try eSATA, USB to connect an external ntfs drive directly, it seams that PLi does not support ntfs, but I may be wrong.
It is very important to me to be able to connect ntfs drives directly, as I have lots of them, full of x26/mkv stuff.