View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] NetGear DUO Nas - mounting on V3.0 Build245

01-09-12, 08:49
Morning all,

Superb new image v3 b245, cheers.

Only snag I have hit is mounting my NAS on Duo since the update from v2.3:

I have a DUO & 2xSolo's networked via a router using powerline adapters. the router is setup to allocate status IP's to MAC's so nothing has changed here with regards to IP addreses.
I have enable Samba & NFS on Dou
Running Win7 on laptop & 2PC's - I can see and access the NAS folders from all of these.
I can also use FileZilla to access the NAS using "Vu" and pass & username.
I can see the NAS in Network Browser - when I click ok, I input the pass & username. However, where previously the folder would be visilbe after this step, they are not.

Any ideas please?


15-09-12, 10:59
any answers for this one chaps?

15-09-12, 11:08

Menu->Setup->System->Network-> NFS Setup

Have you this service installed?