View Full Version : problem with channel change and viewing on preview small screen before selecting

31-08-12, 22:21

for some reason i cant view preview picture on small screen in bouquet channel select i used to be able to pick channel press once and view preview screen on right then press again to veiw in full screen after selecting the channel i want to watch .

when i select channel press once and then the channel loads striaght to full screen and not small preview

not sure what the setting was on please can someone help using vix 3.0 build 242


31-08-12, 22:23
Which screen are you talking about?
There are channel preview modes as well as settings for OK button press, so need to know the screen before we can help.

31-08-12, 23:59
channel preview mode up and down channels and view in small screen before selecting to full screen

01-09-12, 00:05
channel preview mode up and down channels and view in small screen before selecting to full screen
Up/Down circle button?
This is set by default to no on preview mode.
If you want to change it, press the Up/Down circle button, press the menu button, select Settings & change preview mode there.

01-09-12, 00:28
sorry but you dont understand what i mean

01-09-12, 00:30
sorry but you dont understand what i mean

explain so, please.

01-09-12, 00:32
are you referring to the pre view piccy that you get in the epg menu?

01-09-12, 00:33
when i want to select a channel i press up or down which gives me satellites bouquet and the i press ok to select channel which used to show channel on right hand side with channel list still there
i can then go through each channel preview picture in small screen if i want to watch a perticular channel i can then press ok again to make it full screen .

thats what i have always had but since i upgraded i cant view it i can only select the channel but it then goes into full screen without preview

01-09-12, 00:36
Which image are you using?

01-09-12, 00:37
no i can watch the whole channel in preview if i want and change them untill i like what i am watching then i go into full screen

01-09-12, 00:37
vix 3.0 242 build

01-09-12, 00:42
Vix 3.0.242 on up/down button press launches current bouquet channel list.
Still not sure what the issue is?

01-09-12, 00:47
yes thats correct if you press ok and pick a channel you can view it first in small view still in same bouquet channel list and press again and it take you to full screen

i want to view in small screen different channels then select the one i want and make it full screen but it goes directly into full screen not small view screen

01-09-12, 00:56
yes thats correct if you press ok and pick a channel you can view it first in small view still in same bouquet channel list and press again and it take you to full screen

i want to view in small screen different channels then select the one i want and make it full screen but it goes directly into full screen not small view screen

Sorry, still don't get you. If we are talking about the same screen, don't the options in post 4 do what you want?
Can you state exact steps or upload a video of what you are experiencing?

01-09-12, 01:18
image 1 is in channel bouquet mode with preview picture on the right side
if i wanted to i could scroll down channel list as shown and view the channels in preview mode and when i find one i like i then make it full screen the same as in picture 2

But this is not happening anymore .....when i select channel it goes in full mode

01-09-12, 01:34
That's the way it's always been.
As said in post 4, press up or down, press Menu, select settings, change preview mode.

01-09-12, 01:41
That's the way it's always been.
As said in post 4, press up or down, press Menu, select settings, change preview mode.

NO.... untill now i have always been able watch in preview mode any channel i wish untill i find the the one to watch then i select it again and watch in full mode its must be a setting in one of the menus but i was hoping someone could tell me where ..........thanks for your help but it must have changed on this update build

01-09-12, 01:49
NO.... untill now i have always been able watch in preview mode any channel i wish untill i find the the one to watch then i select it again and watch in full mode its must be a setting in one of the menus but i was hoping someone could tell me where ..........thanks for your help but it must have changed on this update build

Sorry, we must still be talking about different screens so?
Press menu & use those options in any screen to set it the way you like.
Are you using an original box?

01-09-12, 05:50
NO.... untill now i have always been able watch in preview mode any channel i wish untill i find the the one to watch then i select it again and watch in full mode its must be a setting in one of the menus but i was hoping someone could tell me where ..........thanks for your help but it must have changed on this update build

actually judge is correct by default it has always been this way on this screen at least it has on all 3 of my machines. if you press the EPG button however you will get the exact behavior you want.

01-09-12, 21:15
Press up Button, menú and the setting iirc is ok to preview or something like that, you can change it when you are in channel list yo double ok yo vida and single to preview.

01-09-12, 22:50
Press up Button, menú and the setting iirc is ok to preview or something like that, you can change it when you are in channel list yo double ok yo vida and single to preview.

Thank you i will try it later when i get home from work and pass on details later

thanks again

02-09-12, 00:53
Stanman your the man..........HOORAY i got it back

1 press up to get into channels and bouquets listing
2 then press menu
3 then press into settings
4 then select YES on channel list previews

then you can view any channel first in preview small window up and down until correct channel you want showing then just press ok again to go full screen .

i knew i had it before just dont know how i got it THANKS GUYS :):):):):):):):)

02-09-12, 17:13
Your welcome buddy:thumbsup:

Theres button for thanks:p;)