View Full Version : Minor bug: Crash on image backup with a full USB

28-08-12, 23:41
Hi m8s,

Just came across a minor bug and thought I should notify the ViX developers.

I have a daily scheduled backup of settings and a weekly scheduled backup of images to the USB.

I forgot to purge/cleanup old files from the USB and the USB ran to near full capacity. Today morning when I switched on the box ,it showed a message about a failed backup of the image. Without realizing the issue, I ran a manual backup. This is when it crashed.

I would have expected a graceful exit with a message similar to the one I saw in the morning.

Not a big deal ...just cleaned up the USB and backups run fine now.

But I guess it would help us make the ViX image better if we know of such bugs.

Btw, I'm running the latest ViX image on my ET9000.

28-08-12, 23:45
do you have any crash logs from this time or if none were generated a debug log ? . if so please also upload those here or send them to us via the logs manager in the Image.


30-08-12, 20:36
Sent. Had a quick glance through it and from what I could make out, didn't see any message pointing to the out of space issue so not sure how useful it'd be. Oh well, I'll leave it to the experts. :)