View Full Version : Vix 3.0 and motorised setup

27-08-12, 22:57

Been using Vix for a few months now, upgraded to 2.4 when that came out so thought I'd go with 3.0 today. Flashed the box OK and set up everything from scratch (ie no old backup was used) Tuner A is set as fixed on 28 deg, tuner B is motorised and I've downloaded Catseyes latest settings for 75E to 45W

Tuner A is working fine but when I try and switch to a channel on another sat the dish spins but lgoes way past the point where it should stop. eg If I'm going for Hotbird on 13 deg the dish spins to about 35 deg, if I then try Astra at 19 the dish goes to 41deg. However if I go into the positioner setup and tell it to goto 0 then the dish stops at where it should.

I've tried redownloading the settings and using an older version that worked fine on Vix 2.4 but no joy :(

Any ideas on what could be wrong ?



27-08-12, 23:42
DOH! After double checking for the 23rd time I finally noticed that I'd put my longtitude in as 17.8 deg and it should be 0.178, once changed everything works as it should !

28-08-12, 00:14
easy mistake to make,..and pleased you got it sorted