View Full Version : streaming from my mac to vu duo

27-08-12, 12:21
pulling my hair out

is there a good easy set up plugin

cant seem to access movies on my hard drive on mac to watch on my vu duo

tried different advice from the net but with no luck

please please please help before i go bold

thanks :confused::confused:

27-08-12, 17:40
pulling my hair out

is there a good easy set up plugin

cant seem to access movies on my hard drive on mac to watch on my vu duo

tried different advice from the net but with no luck

please please please help before i go bold

thanks :confused::confused:

I have a very easy solution which requires no plugins but the latest image (3.0) and iDreamX (link http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/24263/idreamx) and you need VLC player to play the videos.

Download iDreamX, go to preferences > Boxes, insert your box IP address then click on 'Check box', you will then be able to stream your current channels (streaming tab) or your recordings (movies tab).

27-08-12, 19:09
i can already do that i want to go the other way round from mac hardrive with films on it to watch on vu duo


27-08-12, 19:17
have you installed the AFP plugin... menu/setup/system/network then try looking for your mac by going to network browser and mount it and see what it does for ya

27-08-12, 22:10
I do this routinely, accessing a bank of about 10 TB of external USB drive. It should work "out of the box".
The basic plan is:
- Enable "Windows File Sharing" on your Mac.
- Use the network mount manager on your Vu+ to set up a CIFS mountpoint corresponding to the Mac source folder by entering the Mac IP address, hsare name, user name and password.
This is for Os X 10.4.11 and openPli, so there may be some variations.

This may not let you share an external volume. For that, I installed "Sharepoints" on my Mac.
You may not be able to see the shares when you "browse" the network from the Vu+, but you can still establish the connections 'manually' using the mount manager.

27-08-12, 22:35

how do i enable windows file sharing please and i am using vix image 3.0 thanks

now i have enabled file sharing at last

27-08-12, 23:02
With Windows (that is SMB) file sharing server going on the Mac now, you need to point your Vu+ to the shared directory by creating a new mountpoint using the Vu+ menus. I can't advise on how this is done under VIX specifically as I don't use it. Look for something like a System/Network/Mount manager menu, then proceed as I described above. If there is an option to "Use as replacement HDD", don't enable it.

28-08-12, 00:34
i made a folder called vu on my desktop of mac and put films in it
gone to mounts manager as you said above :-

mount using............................................. ...............not sure which one ( fstab ) or (enigma2) or (old enigma)
active.................................. =i set as enable
local share name ..................= i set as sharename
mount type...........................= i set as cif share
server ip..............................= 192.?.?.? my mac ip address
server share.........................= /vu
use as hdd replacement..........= set as no
mount options.........................................no t sure what to put here options says rw
username.............................=set as vu
password.............................=set as vu

thats about as far as i got thanks

28-08-12, 02:09
If you go that way, you'll need to create a user "vu" on your Mac, with the password "vu", and set the permissions of the vu folder such that it is accessible by this user. The alternative is just to put your user name and password into the mount manager fields.

I have in the back of my mind the idea that you may have to edit an SMB configuration file on the Mac to enable specific users - can't remember. It may be something that "Sharepoints" does for me in the background.

"Mount using" - don't know - it's a VIX thing I guess.
"Server share" probably won't be "/vu". It'll likely be <username>/Desktop/vu. Again, if you use Sharepoints, the share name will be something that you can set explicitly.
"Mount option" - yes - rw for read/write.

Here's a link to Sharepoints.

I see that it may only have support up to 10.4 (what I'm using). Later versions of OS X may have this functionality built in, or there may be a similar utility available for them.

28-08-12, 02:18
Oh - another thought occurs. I think I read that under VIX you need to enable SMB functionality somewhere as it is off by default. Uncertain.

Your other main option is to try to pursue the AFP plug-in route and hope someone can talk you though that. It may be current best-practice, but I thought I chime in since I do have a working system, even if it may be thought obsolete!

28-08-12, 23:54
thanks for your help still no joy ..................YET but i will keep you informed

thank you