View Full Version : VirginMedia Updated SuperHub Firmware WITHOUT MY KNOWLEGE ..

24-08-12, 21:25
Have a REALLY annoying issue.. Last three days Ive had to reboot my VirginMedia's SuperHub as the wifi connections have not been connecting. After logging into the router today, I noticed the router has had a firmware update.... Freaking annoyed about this all working great before this but now all screwed up thanks to VirginM. Anyway turns out the firewall on the router was disabled, when I enabled it I lost access to the outside world from my DUO even with the ports forwarded it refused to see the world, then I put it's IP in the DMZ STILL it would not work correctly worse still I notice in the logs that when the firewall is enabled the logs tell me VM's DNS servers are flooding the router. Seems to be the root cause of my problems..

Does anyone else have this new firmware (R36 I think) working successful with FW enabled ??

25-08-12, 11:24
I have the FW disabled on the new firmware and I have manually assigned a wireless channel too instead of leaving it auto. All working perfect here at full speeds and no connectivity issues

25-08-12, 12:00
I have the FW disabled on the new firmware and I have manually assigned a wireless channel too instead of leaving it auto. All working perfect here at full speeds and no connectivity issues

Thanks Punisher.. Mine works fine too if I disable the FW, just cant understand why we would do that though, a fw is a superb security tool so disabling it just makes to sense to me...
For me, even putting the DUO in the DMZ does not work, the router still allows no traffic through, really screwed up this is......Thanks though !!

25-08-12, 12:07
aslong as you have all the correct ports forwarded, assign a static IP to your duo it should work. you can enable the firewall and just disable some of the options below it like passthrough and the others (cant remember what they are)