View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Latest vix- support for AirPlay server plugin and tuner server?

19-08-12, 22:52
I've been messing around with a few different images lately, and now have my duo with latest blackhole image installed.

I like the air server and tuner server features of this image, but it's now starting to crash loads giving me error messages about timers etc...

It took me ages setting up all my plugins, picons etc so I don't really want to switch to the latest vix unless I know that the air player server plugin is compatible and also if il be able to run the tuner server feature with media tomb so that I can access my channels on ps3.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible on latest vix image? Loved the previous vix images and if this one has those features il be well happy

20-08-12, 18:07
To answer my own post, yes the latest VIX imagae has support for tuner server and air server:).... excellent, thanks a lot guys, great job and a great image!! Has everything that i wanted and a whole lot more......

20-08-12, 21:24
decky can you explain how you got the ps3 setup to use the tuner server on vix image., before my vu+duo takes a visit to the bin:p


21-08-12, 10:50
decky can you explain how you got the ps3 setup to use the tuner server on vix image., before my vu+duo takes a visit to the bin:p


Well mate, at the minute I'm tearing my hair out to, to actually get it working!! When I posted that last post I had just downloaded the mediatomb plugin and imagined it was just a simple process of turning on mediatomb just like the black hole image.
But it now appears to be more difficult than I thought as I can't find where to configure the mediatomb plugin on the vix image...

I have now had to reinstall the vix image, downloaded mediatomb again but same thing, and this time I can't see the tuner server feature in the extensions when I press and hold the epg button.

I've been trying so many images and plugins over the last wk or so, I can't remember if the tuner server feature appeared in the extensions after I had downloaded the mediatomb plugin or whether I must have transferred it over manually.

Either way, it isnt showing now. Previously after first installing the image I turned on ushare, I could see the tuner server folders etc on my hdd, with my bouquets etc and I could share them from ushare menu, but when I went to the ps3 all I could see was my hdd/movies.

So in truth, I'm still no further on mate, I'm sure the kind peeps on this site will help us along the way tho:)

21-08-12, 11:33
Yeah installed mediatomb here also now i have no idea how to find it to use it lol, was simpler on old blackhole image.

21-08-12, 12:29
Yeah installed mediatomb here also now i have no idea how to find it to use it lol, was simpler on old blackhole image.

Yeah, seemed to be just a matter of activating media tomb on black hole.... Is by any chance the tuner server showing for u in the extensions list when u press and hold the epg button?

I can't remember if it was there for me as an option after installing mediatomb from the vix feeds or whether I copied it over myself:) anyhow Il give it another go when I get home from work today

21-08-12, 12:37
no not showing.. and im not used to vix images only feeling my way around atm.

21-08-12, 15:41
no not showing.. and im not used to vix images only feeling my way around atm.

Ok, il give it another clean install later when I get home and post back my findings

21-08-12, 18:41
Ok, so in trying again to get the tuner server working with media tomb...

I've downloaded mediatomb from the vix feeds, it seems to download ok but doesn't appear in the plugins or extensions menu, but it creates a media tomb folder in the media folder

I've had to install tuner server manually, it's not in the vix feeds. Restarted receiver, tuner server appears under the extensions menu and I can see it and configure it when I press blue button or hold down the epg button to show the extensions menu.

So I can build my server from the option on the tuner server plugin and this creates a tuner server folder in media where there's a separate folder for each of the favourites in my boquets- so all looking good from that end

Next I try to see if I can see the tuner server in ps3. I can't, presumably because mediatomb is not running. On black hole mediatomb and tuner server both have to be running, boquets are then showing on ps3.

So, in conclusion, is there possibly a fault with the mediatomb plugin from the feeds? As I said before I can't see the mediatomb plugin after downloading to activate the server, maybe someone could help me with this bit?

I have also tried using ushare from the network menu. When I keep the share as hdd/movie only I can see the files from my hdd/movie folder only on ps3

When I try to also add the boquets folder within the tuner server folder as a share within ushare, and then restart the receiver, the ushare server stops running and can't be started again.

So, can anyone advise how to get the mediatomb plugin working and where to configure it? Or can ushare or any of the other network options be configured to work with tuner server? If so, how?

Anyway, not to take anything away from the latest vix release, it is still a great release and for me the most reliable image ive tried. So I'm sticking with it and hope that the tuner server/mediatomb issue can be sorted :)

29-09-12, 14:24
Where did you get the tuner server plugin from? Any luck getting media tomb sorted out? Thanks.

02-10-12, 10:19
by the sound of this thread, it is NOT airplay you want, but a DLNA server, and ViX has 2 built in, no need for mediatomb, so uninstall that, then goto Setup --> Network services, there you will find 2 different DLNA servers. for you to choose from ;)