View Full Version : Unable to install cams for ViX

15-08-12, 21:48
Trying to install cams for latst oe 3 vix that idownloaded from the link and it gives this error message
deb_extract:/tmp/enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mispel.ipk:invalid magic
*pkg_from_init_file:failed to extract control file from :/tmp/enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mispel.ipk
execution finished
same message for mgcamd but i am using same files that i used on my vix 2.4 and downloaded fresh ones.
My box is et9200.

15-08-12, 21:52
i use


from here and it works fine on all my Vu receivers.


15-08-12, 21:58
just tried and i am getting same error message again but thanks for the advice

15-08-12, 22:22
did a fresh install of the new vix and still no joy
can i reverse to the old 2.4 213 vix

15-08-12, 22:23
Have you tried a different browser?

15-08-12, 22:25
did a fresh install of the new vix and still no joy
can i reverse to the old 2.4 213 vix

Yes, you can revert back. Try it if you want & let us know if the same cams work.
Did you do any settings restore by the way?

15-08-12, 22:29
did not do a restore as my box crashed while deleting one of the old image and would not turn on was stuck on et9x00 so i just installed the new image

15-08-12, 22:36
tried safari and firefox browser but with no joy

15-08-12, 22:48
reverted back to 2.4 213 and i have the same problem it wont install and gives me the same error

15-08-12, 22:49
Sounds like the ipk is corrupt. Are you sure you're using binary ftp transfer?

15-08-12, 22:50
i am using filezilla and alwyas used it

15-08-12, 22:54
Your downloads are corrupt. Nothing wrong with the image so,

15-08-12, 23:01
any way i ca fix it as the same downloads worked on the previous image

15-08-12, 23:07
reverted back to 2.4 213 and i have the same problem it wont install and gives me the same error

any way i ca fix it as the same downloads worked on the previous image

Doesn't sound like it did?

Where are you now downloading the cam from?

15-08-12, 23:14
i downloaded from the link in this forum and you are right the downloads are corrupt as i found an old cccam download and it worked but now i need an mgcamd one but will google and see if there is any other links i can downloaded from.

15-08-12, 23:15
i downloaded from the link in this forum and you are right the downloads are corrupt as i found an old cccam download and it worked but now i need an mgcamd one but will google and see if there is any other links i can downloaded from.

Which link so it can be removed if it doesn't work?

15-08-12, 23:24
this link


15-08-12, 23:42
Can you please code your links, no live linking is allowed

15-08-12, 23:48
this link


As far as I'm aware, those cams are fine.
However, I always use a working cam as a backup.
So, now that you have a working cam on VIX again, ftp that cam, it should be in /usr/softcams/ back to your PC.
Then when you update to the latest VIX image, ftp it back to the same place. No need for an ipk install.

15-08-12, 23:53
thanks for your help gents i have sorted it out through other links and will back things up for the future.

17-08-12, 23:49
i tried installing TSPANEL on latest image but got a magic error - cccam intalled fine tho and managed to get my channel list on using dreamset instead

18-08-12, 00:08
TSPANEL is not recommended a stable image.
Use it at your own risk.

18-08-12, 01:50
These cams will work on VIX OE 3.0 or not ?

18-08-12, 05:53
These cams will work on VIX OE 3.0 or not ?

yes cams work with ViX 3.0 in fact i'm using the same version of CCcam on 3.0 as i was using on ViX 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4. as for TS panel it's not a plugin we recommend and all plugins - cams contained within it which claim to be for the ViX image are nothing to do with us so be careful and use it at your own risk.

20-08-12, 16:13
the prob i had was it need renaming as too many _ _ _ under name

25-08-12, 13:07
Trying to install cams for latst oe 3 vix that idownloaded from the link and it gives this error message
deb_extract:/tmp/enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mispel.ipk:invalid magic
*pkg_from_init_file:failed to extract control file from :/tmp/enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mispel.ipk
execution finished
same message for mgcamd but i am using same files that i used on my vix 2.4 and downloaded fresh ones.
My box is et9200.

Any help please as i keep getting this message and unable to install mgcamd.

25-08-12, 19:15
anyone can help on this please

25-08-12, 19:23
try downloading via another browser, maybe the ipk is corrupt

25-08-12, 19:31
have tried ie9,safari and chrome but no joy

25-08-12, 19:48
try putting them directly into /var/volatile/tmp

25-08-12, 20:03
done that and no good still/i am trying to recover some files and find a version thati have downloaded before and hope it works as cccam download from may works perfect but currently downloaded one has the same mistake as mgcamd

25-08-12, 23:25
Try another computer, as all fine here, may be getting corrupted in some weird twilight zone way

26-08-12, 11:40
Will do as it could be my laptop as it has been acting strangely since installing virgin media security on it.thanks for the advice

26-08-12, 18:56
I had no problems installing enigma2-plugin-cams-mgcamd.1.35a_1.0-r3_mipsel.ipk on my et9200 after upgrading to VIX 3.0.

Just downloaded enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk from
http://www.4shared.com/dir/wnyHV50A/VIX_CAMS.htmlTransferred file to box with FileZilla and installed with opkg:

root@et9x00:~# cd /tmp
root@et9x00:/var/volatile/tmp# md5sum enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk
f40ab342f7b3ea11457059b8d108c40d enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk

root@et9x00:/var/volatile/tmp# ls -l enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk
-rw------- 1 root root 498966 Aug 26 18:38 enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk

root@et9x00:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0 (1.0) to root...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0.

Try checking filesize and maybe md5sum of your downloaded file.

29-08-12, 21:16
problem was with my laptop as i borrowed a laptop from a friend tonight and it has installed no issues. just in case any one has virginmedia since i installed their internet security i have not been able to install any extentions on my box. thanks for the help.

Mr. Mister
29-08-12, 21:18
Glad you got it all sorted buddy..

Excellent.. Enjoy..

29-08-12, 21:28
remove the security lol glad your sorted anyway

29-08-12, 21:33
have removed but still not sorted.when i have some time in the weekend i am going to do a windows recovery which should remove any traces of it.