View Full Version : component out Open PLi odd colours

03-09-10, 21:33
for some reason I can't get the component out to work properly on my newly installed VU+, SCART works fine but component is just giving a dayglo purple picture (its working, just colours are all wrong). I've tried different cables and its just the same, tried my skyHD box on the same input and that works fine so it must be something I'm doing (or not doing) with my new VU+.

Any ideas? :confused::confused:

03-09-10, 22:17
Use your scart goto menu>system>a/v settings and change colour format from rgb to YPbPr then change video output to YPbPr then use your component cable, hope this helps

03-09-10, 22:23
Hi, thanks for the reply. It's weird, I've been trying that and I get a perfect picture through the SCART but a pink one through the component, have tried all the different resolutions under the YPrPb section but they all come out pink...

not sure it matters but here's some info about the installation:

Enigma: OpenPLi 2010-08-29-master
Image: openpli-2010-05-21

03-09-10, 22:30
have you tried a reboot of the unit? with the new setting


03-09-10, 22:34
yeah try a reboot defo a common problem on first setup, but the solution is defo in the changing of scart modes

03-09-10, 23:17
hmmm.... this is odd. I've tried rebooting a couple of times, even taking the SCART lead out, on first boot everything is fine (VuPlus-Support logo comes up in normal white/grey colours) then as it continues to boot it blanks the screen for a split second and then comes back in technicolor magenta (same VuPlus-Support logo) :(

03-09-10, 23:39
ok try this unplug componant lead and plug in scart, go to a/v settings set video output to scart and set color format to YPbPr press green button then go back into av settings and change video output to YPbPr and again press green button, power off box, plug in componant lead and start up again

the same thing used to happen to me on the boot screen so dont give up

04-09-10, 10:39
cheers for persisting with this :)

still no dice I'm afraid, its really weird that you can see from the startup screen that it can send the right signal, just something makes it change its mind at the last minute and I'm left watching magenta football!

04-09-10, 13:07
very weird mate, the answer defo lies in the a/v settings did a quick google at found a few people with the same problem but was easily solved, maybe flash another image such as dream elite which doesnt have this problem to see if the issue may be hardware related?

04-09-10, 13:39
Probably a good idea, I'll try doing a backup image later then stick dream elite on instead. Am I right in thinking that the backup scripts will allow me to create an image with ALL my current settings on? If I restore to it I won't have to redo all my sats/settings/plugins etc?

04-09-10, 13:45
yes you are right, just remember to choose the correct backup tool plugin (usb or hdd). additionally remember to move the files from the backup safely to a pc or so before u do the flash with the de and so u may not loose the backup created ;)

11-09-10, 15:49
I'm having a similar problem with my new box - output via component is very red and when compared to Sky HD

12-09-10, 08:02
Fixed the problem by switching to the new vix image, box has been perfect since then :)

12-09-10, 14:28
I changed image and it made no difference except that I had correct component output for about 5 minutes and then it reverted back to being bad. When you changed image, what video options did you first choose when the set-up appeared?

14-09-10, 22:39
Just to update this now I have it fixed. I changed image but it didn't seem to make much difference for very long. What I did was, I followed the instruction by the previous poster only I actually removed the component leads. I was doing everything but that thinking it wouldn't matter but obviously it must. I get nice blues instead of greens :)

07-08-11, 11:30
Thanks followed this thread chaned to the vix image did the scat trick and all works well, I was setting up a slingbox pro HD with componant leads, I was getting the red screen on my computer when logging onto my slingbox, changing the image and following this thread fixed the problem thanks again