View Full Version : He new here and thought id say hi to all

07-08-12, 20:04
Hi just thought id introduce myself , arcticwolve here , i was recomended by a friend to come to this site , well he pesterd me to really lol,im not the most knolegable person when it comes to satellite tv but i no a bit ,
I been thinking about getting a new reciver and my freind Cosie said come here and get a box from the world of satelitte so i orderd a vu+duo from there yesterday and hopefully it will be here tomoz
look forward to getting to know people here and i see theres tons of advice for things,
Hopefully i will get my reciver tomoz and report back
also mykeyboards playing up so please forgive any spelling errors :(

Ps i wanna say people i spoke to monday on phone was really nice and very helpfull :)

07-08-12, 21:44
Hey arctic you'll get great advice here m8:)

07-08-12, 21:46
welcome to the forums :thumbsup:

07-08-12, 21:56
yay people like me already lol its me old pal cosie,
hi maxwel look farwrd to finding me way round here theres so much stuff, luckily i have a good teacher in cosie hes like the jedi master lol. only reason im here is cause of him so he deserves a pat on the back lol

07-08-12, 21:58
:hello: and :welcome:abaord

07-08-12, 22:31
thanx stanman appriciatethe welcome ,
infact thanx to all for the warm welcome it helps when your new :)