View Full Version : Making minor adjustments to the default skin - how?

06-08-12, 15:59
I really like the Vix-Night skin, is it possible to tweak things like the colours used in the graphical EPG? I've searched through the various skin.xml files but not sure where to find what I need to do.

any pointers?

06-08-12, 16:09
I'm chuffed to bits that you want to modify the skin to your own liking, that's the kind of thing we need in this hobby. But you may just want to hang fire for a little while as we have some major improvements coming for the EPG in the next image ( in my own opinion ). If you still want to tinker I'm sure rob or some one else will be able to help.

06-08-12, 16:26
intriguing! really looking forward to seeing the new changes.

all I was hoping to tinker with (for now!) was the green/mustard/blue-grey colour scheme does anyone know where I'd find those colours in the different skin files?

Rob van der Does
06-08-12, 16:35
Yeah, I can help a bit in that area. For the Magic-HD skin I used a number of different colours etc., but now that I've seen Andy's new version I reverted to that.
So indeed: I would wait (won't be long now) to see for yourself. If not OK, you can always go into skinning.

06-08-12, 16:47
Cheers Rob, any pointers as to which file I need to look into (& where in that file) to try out different colours?

Rob van der Does
06-08-12, 17:11
Best take Magic-HD as example, as (almost) all options are in use there. You should look at the screens "GraphicalEPG" or "GraphicalEPGPIG" whichever you prefer.
The colours are in the widget "list".

06-08-12, 17:49
thanks, so in the skin.xml file for Vix_night it has the following line in GraphicalEPGPIG:
<widget name="list" position="20,317" size="1240,360" backgroundColor="black" scrollbarMode="showNever" zPosition="1" transparent="0"/> where would I find the settings to change the colours of the events in the list?

Rob van der Does
06-08-12, 17:51
As I said: use Magic-HD as example, as almost all options are being used in there.

06-08-12, 21:54
sorry, I'm a bit new to all of this, I've had a look in the magic skin but I'm not sure how to make this work for the Vix one? Is there somewhere in the vix skin file that defines the different colours for the EPG elements?

Rob van der Does
06-08-12, 22:00
If you compare the two widgets 'list' in the skins, you see that in Magic-HD a lot of colours are being used. That are the items that you can use in the ViX-HD skin as well.

07-08-12, 00:37
Ok, so I think I'm getting there! I've worked out what all the elements in the "list" widget do so I can set all those to the colours I need.

The next thing I'm struggling with is how to set the background of the whole EPG screen to the colour I want - at the moment it is black, can you point me at which element controls this? is it more than one element?

07-08-12, 02:24
Don't worry - have got that sorted too! My brain is bleeding now from staring at all this xml :D

I need to sort out a couple of items at the bottom so they are anti-aliased properly but that can wait till tomorrow.

Any suggestions on getting rid of the black border around the time slots in the timeline?


07-08-12, 03:11
nice work, i see you went for the old sky uk look.

dont forget when your finished you can also upload a copy of your changed files here for others users to use if they wish.

Rob van der Does
07-08-12, 06:34
Don't worry - have got that sorted too! My brain is bleeding now from staring at all this xml :D...
lol, before you know it, you're a real skinner: join the party :thumbsup:

BTW: the skin Magic-HD can be opened in e2skinner: handy for a quick view on results. Unfortunately e2skinner can't handle the ViX-skins.

07-08-12, 07:34
nice work, i see you went for the old sky uk look.

:confused:where do you get that idea from?? :D:D

Any suggestions on what I need to do to get rid of the black border around the timeslots?

08-08-12, 01:21
Try opening it in e2skinner,you should be able to isolate the parts in question :)

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

08-08-12, 04:46
Looks great wd m8

08-08-12, 13:06
Try opening it in e2skinner,you should be able to isolate the parts in question :)

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

I'm on a mac so no eskinner for me I'm afraid :(

Rob van der Does
08-08-12, 15:37
I'm on a mac so no eskinner for me I'm afraid :(
Not under whine?

08-08-12, 23:57
Had a quick look at the elgato-HD skin in e2skinner,as I didn't have the magic skin to hand,and its hard to tell which element it is as when looking at it in e2Skinner there is no program names or epg,but I think its the timeline widgets you need to tinker with,

In case you don't already know its under the "Graph Multi Epg" heading in the skin.xml

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
09-08-12, 05:52
That's because that skin is not made for ViX, and is hence missing vital elements.
It's very easy to copy a skin from your box to the PC.

09-08-12, 10:33
It appears its the timeline_text element from what I can work out. But I think the thing I need to change is in the python script rather than the skin.xml file, I've found reference on sourceforge to it:

--- a/lib/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG/GraphMultiEpg.py
+++ b/lib/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG/GraphMultiEpg.py
@@ -536,6 +536,7 @@ class TimelineText(HTMLComponent, GUIComponent):
self.borderColor = 0x000000
self.backColor = 0x000000
self.borderWidth = 1
+ self.time_base = 0

GUI_WIDGET = eListbox

So I'm guessing it's that self.BorderWidth bit I need to change. However... the .py file mentioned in that article is nowhere to be seen on my Vu+!

Maybe I'm just barking up the wrong tree??

Rob van der Does
09-08-12, 10:38
Via the feeds you can install the xxx.src; than you have all the x.py's onboard.
But: making changes to that is rather complicated, and will get lost after a system update.

09-08-12, 12:28
That's because that skin is not made for ViX, and is hence missing vital elements.
It's very easy to copy a skin from your box to the PC.

Its nothing to do with the skin being made for vix or not,those missing elements I mentioned won't show up in e2Skinner as they require the epg or channel lists to display,

It is very easy to transfer a skin from the most e2 boxes but sometimes it can help identify the required section when you open it in e2Skinner

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2