View Full Version : Vu Duo box with blackhole image. 7 day EPG?

29-07-12, 18:10
Hi, i am very new to the world of satellite. Ive just set up my new vu duo with the latest blackhole image and have managed to add silverfox's s*y uk channel list.

So here is my question. Is there any way to get a 7 day epg on the blackhole image like you do with freeview or s*y, so when you hover over a channel and press ok it zaps to the channel.


29-07-12, 18:16
Have a look in their plugins for crossepg, it will do all that.

If you want give the VIX image a try as it is the best imho for epg and recording and plugin integration to make it extremly user friendly.

29-07-12, 19:08
thanks for reply.

Could you please point me in the direction of how to install vix image with sky uk epg.

Many thanks.

29-07-12, 19:25
download here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?18171-New-VIX-Image-Vu-Duo-Version-2-4-15-05-2012&p=144508#post144508

detailed instructions here in post 2 http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?18612-Epg-support-vix-image&highlight=day+epg+configure+crossepg

30-07-12, 19:02
thanks very much.

31-07-12, 23:39
your welcome mate, any problems post up here