View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Skin QuickEPG Help

25-07-12, 19:02

I'm making a skin for the VU+ Duo, or modifying Elgato-HD. Everything is going good, albeit slowly.

I'm stuck with the QuickEPG screen. Everything is working, except the now and next programs are showing the same:

<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="650,240" size="325,30" font="Regular; 24" halign="left" backgroundColor="background" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>

I've been trying changing the "source" from "Service" to "service.Event_Next", "session.Event_Next", etc but have so far been unable to work out how to display what's on now and what's on next on the QuickEPG by pressing the direction left/right button on the remote.

Below is my QuickEPG screen and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction?

<screen name="QuickEPG" position="center,400" size="1180,300" title="InfoBar" backgroundColor="transparent" flags="wfNoBorder">
<ePixmap position="84,150" size="1000,150" zPosition="-1" pixmap="SKY-HD/info_bg_dark.png" />
<ePixmap position="109,35" size="950,100" zPosition="-1" pixmap="SKY-HD/info_box.png" />
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="119,35" size="450,26" font="Regular; 23" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
<widget source="Event" render="Label" position="120,67" size="928,58" font="Regular;22" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1" valign="top">
<convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
<widget source="session.RecordState" render="Pixmap" position="90,154" size="38,38" zPosition="2" pixmap="SKY-HD/rec.png" alphatest="blend">
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide">Blink</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Picon" position="105,214" size="100,60" zPosition="1" alphatest="on">
<convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="291,212" size="75,25" font="Regular; 24" halign="right" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1" foregroundColor="grey">
<convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<eLabel text="-" position="366,212" size="15,25" font="Regular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="background1" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1" />
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="382,212" size="75,25" font="Regular; 25" halign="left" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1" foregroundColor="grey">
<convert type="EventTime">EndTime</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="134,161" size="450,26" font="Regular; 24" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1">
<convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="964,196" size="110,25" font="Regular;23" backgroundColor="background" halign="right" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventTime">Remaining</convert>
<convert type="RemainingToText">InMinutes</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Progress" position="984,222" size="90,6" borderWidth="1" borderColor="uncccccc" backgroundColor="background" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="232,241" size="390,30" font="Regular; 24" backgroundColor="black" transparent="1" foregroundColor="un232a33">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="711,212" size="75,25" font="Regular; 24" halign="right" backgroundColor="background" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<eLabel text="-" position="787,212" size="15,25" font="Regular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="background" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1" />
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="803,212" size="75,25" font="Regular; 24" halign="left" backgroundColor="background" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventTime">EndTime</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="650,240" size="325,30" font="Regular; 24" halign="left" backgroundColor="background" foregroundColor="grey" transparent="1">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="941,161" size="120,26" font="Regular;24" backgroundColor="background1" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-2,-2" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Format:%d.%m.%Y</convert>
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="869,161" size="70,26" font="Regular;24" backgroundColor="background1" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-2,-2" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="SKY-HD/icons/ico_hd_on.png" position="1019,250" size="29,20" zPosition="2" alphatest="blend">
<convert type="ServiceInfo">VideoWidth</convert>
<convert type="ValueRange">721,1980</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />

Many thanks

Rob van der Does
25-07-12, 21:56
Is this for the ViX image? If so:
NOW program is:

<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="256,575" size="990,36" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1" foregroundColor="foreground" font="Regular;24" valign="center" halign="left">
<convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>

NEXT program is:

<widget name="list" position="180,625" size="890,50" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1" foregroundColor="foreground" font="Regular;24" selectionPixmap="Magic-HD-Common/buttons/sel.png" />

Colours & sizes obviously to adapt.

25-07-12, 22:15
Thanks for the reply. Won't the code you've provided for NOW display the channel name? I thought to get the program name, Service and EventName were needed. Or am I missing something?

If you can't tell this is my first attempt at a skin lol

Thanks for your time

Rob van der Does
25-07-12, 22:29
Just give it a try; I copied the code from my Magic-HD.
But again: is it for ViX?

25-07-12, 22:41
Yes it is for ViX. The code you provided did display the channel name rather than the program name. I changed it to EventName which did the trick for NOW. I've got NEXT working, but now I have a couple of problems:

It displays 2 program names, the first is the same as NOW. So when testing, I've got "ITV News and Weather" displaying on NOW and "ITV News and Weather" as NEXT followed by "A Clockwork Orange".

Can I change the code to display just one NEXT? If not, can I modify it so it doesn't show NOW as the first NEXT program?

I hope that made sense lol

Also, in front of both NEXT programs, it has "We 25/07". Can i remove that?

Thanks for your help

Rob van der Does
26-07-12, 06:46
Yes it is for ViX. The code you provided did display the channel name rather than the program name. ......
Correct, I noticed that later (it's quite some time ago I was busy with those items.........), sorry about that.

I changed it to EventName which did the trick for NOW.
Don't do that. Now/next/more are all in the list. The reason is

It displays 2 program names, the first is the same as NOW.

Can I change the code to display just one NEXT? If not, can I modify it so it doesn't show NOW as the first NEXT program?
No you can't. The reason is that the 'list' has the complete EPG in it: you can scroll down and go to next programs (even to next day and so).

Also, in front of both NEXT programs, it has "We 25/07". Can i remove that?

No, you can't. The reason is the same: you can scroll down and wouldn't know any more on which date you are.

PS: When creating skins I use to have a very good look around in many other skins. And then 'cut, copy & paste' does pretty much of my 'creative' work. And I often use e2skinner for a quick preview as well as for identifying items.
e.g. if you open e2skinner 2 times, one with an example skin and one with your own, you can spot very quickly interesting items and see how they look like in your own.
But don't use e2skinner for editing; just use a normal editor like PSpad or Notepad++