View Full Version : VU+ Duo and Tversity Question

31-08-10, 20:26
I have a server running Tversity which is a free Media Sharing Server, is this VU+ Duo caple of connecting to this so i can stream stuff. Any Help and info would be appreciated :)

31-08-10, 20:43
Welcome to the forum first of all forrest1066

I would guess that the VU+ duo would connect, as it can share with any computer (stream etc)


ps, have you got the VU+ YET?

01-09-10, 10:21
thank you very much for the welcome. no i havent got one yet, but i am very close to buying one. I just want to make sure it can do everything i need it to do before shelling out the 400 quid?? btw forgot to ask as well is it capable of playing MKV files as well??

01-09-10, 11:22
I've played an MKV file with no problems. It was 720p. Have yet to try a 1080p file but I'm guessing it will work no problem.

01-09-10, 22:56
cool thanks for the info, very much appreciated. Looks like my credit card will be getting used in the next few weeks :D

02-09-10, 00:19
you wont be sorry

and thanks for joining us
