View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] vix 2.4 #155 cooltvguidev6.3 crashing when assigned to EPG button

20-07-12, 17:21
hi everytime i press "EPG" my box crashes when it is assigned to cooltvguide v6.3. The older v5.6.2 worked perfect, although i really don't want to downgrade id rather get this working. I also dont want to use MQB as then i will lose the quickepg functions, if any1 has any ideas please let me know thanks

20-07-12, 17:32
Plugins from Cool are not compatible with the ViX images, and due to past events between the author and ViX this is very unlikely to change as he has stated he will not make plugins compatible with ViX, saying that any fixes for the PLI image in general should work for the plugins with the ViX image.

20-07-12, 17:34
Normal vix epg has the quikepg function. Just use left and right arrows to bring up quick epg

20-07-12, 17:40

I also dont want to use MQB as then i will lose the quickepg functions,
why? I have MQB installed from the feed and still can use quickepg.


20-07-12, 17:43
thanks for reply, so downgrade it is. The graphical epg would be fine it didnt have lines running down through the middle of the programs, im sure every1 with a enuf sense to setup a linux receiver can tell the time without those annoyin lines. Do you know of any other epgs the arent so sore on the eyes?

20-07-12, 17:44
can you may backup your keymap from MQB and post it or pm to me?

Rob van der Does
20-07-12, 19:58
thanks for reply, so downgrade it is. The graphical epg would be fine it didnt have lines running down through the middle of the programs, im sure every1 with a enuf sense to setup a linux receiver can tell the time without those annoyin lines. Do you know of any other epgs the arent so sore on the eyes?
That's just skinning. In Magic-HD I didn't implement those lines in the graphical EPG.

20-07-12, 20:00
I do not think you would like my keymap. It is quite simple install MQB from the feed and you can set quick epg to a key of your choice. The function you must put on a key is called "infobar quickepg". Long OK does not work for me at the moment but I am 100% sure that it already worked in 2.4.


20-07-12, 20:42
thanks 4 all ur replies, got it sorted, the problem i was having with MQB was that i couldnt find "infobar quickepg" even put my glasses on but what i did was using FTP :- went to
"etc/MultiQuickButton" then changed "quickbutton_cross_right.xml" + quickbutton_cross_left.xml" to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<name>InfoBar EPG</name>
<code><![CDATA[from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar
if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance:

This now works and i can setup the rest of the buttons with MQB gui but for some reason could not set this up with gui.

Thanks again for support

21-07-12, 07:41
when you open setup for MQB then you first have to select a key you want to map. Now you must press blue to add a new function/plugin. You must select new function because it is part of E2 and not a plugin. At first I also had a few problems but then I deinstalled MQB, removed the MultiQuickButton directory in /etc and installed MQB again. In this way I got a new and fresh install.
