View Full Version : Playing external files, not quite perfect

18-07-12, 14:15
Hello folks, as you can guess i have a vu+duo 2.4 vix. I was curios about how easy it would be to play video files i have stored on my lappy. Any way i converted a video to avi, using iwisoft free video converter. I was surprised how easy it was to transfer files to it, i was delighted. But, although the lip sync, picture and sound are perfect, the video is playing a bit slow (stuttering) very annoying. Could the memory stick or external hdd type have a bearing on this problem or does the converter need tweaked slightly? If so how, I'm a bit unsure how to. Thanks in advance for replies.:)

18-07-12, 16:01
Why would you have an external hard drive on a VUDuo (unless its a NAS over the LAN)? Why not stick an internal drive and put your files on there this would rule out external hard drive behaviour. Having said that when watching 720p MKV files I sometimes notice a slight lag/jitter on fast moving scenes and I have an internal hard drive, so I would put it down to the processing power of the VUDuo not being able to cope.

18-07-12, 17:01
I have a lot of files unwatched on my lappy and family vids n photo's. Unless i can stream, but i don't know how to yet.

Rob van der Does
18-07-12, 17:04
It has been stated many many times: for playing video no processing power is used at all. All video-decoding is done in hardware and as long as your files are coded correct, they will play fine.
AVI & MKV are both containers; it's the codec used inside them that counts.
Playback from internal HDD/USB-HDD/USB-stick/NAS/PC/other STB are all fine.

18-07-12, 20:27
Hello folks, as you can guess i have a vu+duo 2.4 vix. I was curios about how easy it would be to play video files i have stored on my lappy. Any way i converted a video to avi, using iwisoft free video converter. I was surprised how easy it was to transfer files to it, i was delighted. But, although the lip sync, picture and sound are perfect, the video is playing a bit slow (stuttering) very annoying. Could the memory stick or external hdd type have a bearing on this problem or does the converter need tweaked slightly? If so how, I'm a bit unsure how to. Thanks in advance for replies.:)
If you want to do this on a regular basis; I would recommend buying a cheap Media center, and networking it.

22-07-12, 10:11
The VU's media player is hopeless - I gave up trying to play anything other than .ts files actually recorded on the box itself.
I edit these using VideoRedo and clean them with TSDoctor. I used to convert to a smaller file format (tried Mp4, Mkv etc.) but none play properly on the VU.


22-07-12, 10:56
The VU's media player is hopeless - I gave up trying to play anything other than .ts files actually recorded on the box itself.
I edit these using VideoRedo and clean them with TSDoctor. I used to convert to a smaller file format (tried Mp4, Mkv etc.) but none play properly on the VU.


I have several hundred AVI's and MKV's that all play perfectly fine on all my Vu receivers via the default mediaplayer in ViX. if your files are encoded properly they will be ok.

22-07-12, 11:04
I have played many 720p mkvs and avis on my VU+ boxes (1 clone & 1 legit) and have NEVER had a problem. They have been on both the internal Sata drive and from a NAS drive. I suggest if you're having problems then it's your source file.

Rob van der Does
22-07-12, 11:17
The VU's media player is hopeless -
No, it's not. In fact it works rather fine. Just make sure the right codecs are being used. And don't forget that most of the files 'found' on the internet are badly coded. If you re-code, using correct settings they will play just fine.
But indeed: the present line of STB's will never be a full-Mediaplayer. Maybe the next generation is (DUO-2 etc.)?

27-07-12, 12:18
My files are recorded from the box itself. I have cut using VideRedo (saved to mkv, for example) but they don't play well using the Media Player.
Only .ts files have ever played on my box "OK"

Rob van der Does
27-07-12, 12:36
My files are recorded from the box itself. I have cut using VideRedo (saved to mkv, for example) but they don't play well using the Media Player.
Only .ts files have ever played on my box "OK"
Again: than the coding isn't done with settings that are supported by the box. Just use other settings.

27-07-12, 12:39
I have loads of avi's and mkv's on my nas which play perfectly fine on all my Vu receivers uno, duo, ultimo.

my files were all encoded using Magic dvd ripper or handbreak.

27-07-12, 13:08
Can someone please provide a list of the codecs that are supported by the Vu+ Duo?
At the moment, I just leave things as .TS files to retain full functionality (replay, skip forward/back, pause/restart etc) but I have had issues when I've tried other file types.

I guess really what I want to know is...

What compressed encoding would you guys recommend for widest compatibility, retaining multichannel audio and up to 1080p?
Files should play on the Vu+ Duo with the functionality listed above, as well as on the likes of an XMBC player, my iMac, my Android phone, or even an iPhone or ATV3 (maybe a tough ask given Apple's new 'walled garden' philosophy). Maybe even directly (or via DLNA) on my Panasonic 50V20.

Rob van der Does
27-07-12, 13:11
Generally speaking h264-encoding should always be fine.

26-01-13, 16:04
I also have trouble playing downloaded files; yes, some aren't encoded perfectly.
The same files play ok on my laptop. When it gets to a certain point, there's a slight glitch in the picture [using VLC player].
But playing the same file over the VU+ duo [loaded into the internal HD], when it gets to the same point the vix sign starts rotating on the screen; I notice the time counter has stopped. The VU will not respond to any commands from the remote [except restart] within a few seconds, the picture starts to shudder and then everything freezes up. The only way out I've found is to restart the box, then restart my recording at a point just past where the problem was [the trick is to note the time on the box before it freezes completely].

Most [more than half] of downloaded vids play perfectly. But it's a real drag to sit down to enjoy a program and have these problems.
I suppose I could recode them all before watching, but these are big files. My old computer will be at it most days and nights if we recode all the 720p series we watch.

Here in Portugal we can't get any decent streaming services, and soon our satellite signals will be cut off by the new Astra bird.

Any suggestions welcome!

26-01-13, 16:10
You have to remember that these receivers are not Media players, and any media player functions are to be considered as a bonus and not a rite no matter what the manufacturer claims on their sales brochure.