View Full Version : Gigant OE1.6 Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 19/08/2010

30-08-10, 19:53
Here is a dumb question for you guy's: Gigant OE1.6 Multiboot Image for VU + Duo to Webkurier 19/08/2010, it states in the description Polish language/polish text, does that mean only Polish or can I select english during setup.

thanks Harry:baby:

30-08-10, 20:22
You change language after installation

30-08-10, 20:47
thanks bass,i guessed that was the case, thanks again

31-08-10, 08:23
still the same shit as before dont work with motor

02-09-10, 01:49
still the same shit as before dont work with motor

i really am finding your post abusive particulary towards the Gigant images i have no afilliation to Gigant but i think you are being totaly unfair, you are yet again blaming the image for your inability to get your motor working, i can tell you from the offset there is nothing in that image that corrupts the setup and the motor setup works just fine.

so i would suggest that before you start slating something or someone, that you post exactly what you did setting up the image, and what's not working, then we can help you sort it out, but you just posting the image is "shit" is just unhelpfull and derogative and it would help if you post exactly why you came to this conclusion.

regards: canthackit

02-09-10, 09:45
Well am sorry if you think that but you know its free to think, write, say things that i think and not working.
So we leave it in that way inoff off that, let me say that all of the other images works fine even here for me, so.

02-09-10, 11:56
Well am sorry if you think that but you know its free to think, write, say things that i think and not working.
So we leave it in that way inoff off that, let me say that all of the other images works fine even here for me, so.

I agree with canthackit on this, its not very helpful just posting "still the same shit as before dont work with motor", post what your issues actually are in future.

03-09-10, 02:01
Well am sorry if you think that but you know its free to think, write, say things that i think and not working.
So we leave it in that way inoff off that, let me say that all of the other images works fine even here for me, so.

yes it's a free world, free choice (depending who you are and where you live) :eek: and you are perfectly entitled to your opinion.

but just to come out and say this or that image is "shit" is totally unfair and downright abusive, the developers give up a lot a their free time, and use their knowledge to provide us with the tools to run our "hobby boxes" and then they end up getting no appriciation from people like you, yes! there are images and program's out there that don't perform as they should, but unless we address to the developers what we find as faults to them but let's do it compassionate and considerate and understanding mannner otherwise we loose our credabilty as decent human beings, and end up with just ignorant rantings.

so unless you come out a state exactly why you find this particular image "shit" no one is the wiser, as i have said many times i have used this particular image on my motorised setup without any problems whatsoever, one thing to remember is a bad workman always blames his tools, so i ask you yet again, to post what you find so disturbing and unacceptable about the image, it will not only help us to help you but will also help the developers to iron out any "bugs"

i make no appology for such a long reply as this topic of not showing appriciation to anybody involved in this hobby of ours particularly the developers and coders is just not accetable to me.

03-09-10, 10:06
i agree with canthackit, i for one can tell you how much time is takes to create an image, i must have spent over 300+ hours on ours and that does not include all the time testing it, or any other team member alpha testing. so to come out and say that any image is 'Shit' is just a smack in the face to the developers, and does not help at all. maybe you should either learn to code an image your self (like i did), or be more productive in how or why a particular feature does not work, or even ask someone who has it working for a step by step guide in how they manged it.

i really find your comments to be insulting, to all us developers, know wonder DreamElite got out of the game, it's people like you that make us think is it really worth all the hassle, stress and no social life. with comment's that.

so in future please be more helpfull and not like a person with a chip on his shoulder.

Team VIX Coder

03-09-10, 14:07
Lets put into more context the amount of hours spent on our image. Andy has sacrificed approx 300+ hours of his time, 3 of us Admin/Mods has prob spent another say 5+ hours per image build testing (most likely more). We've had around 6-8 builds to test (lost count). So that well over another 100hours of testing alone! Thats how much sacrificed to create something for the community.

Another thing we should be crystal clear on, we've received NOTHING from VU+ for creating the image we're about to release! Even for this forum, we've received NOTHING from VU+! We've stayed alive here through my pocket, donations and sponsor advertising! Not to mention the countless hours and stress I went through to get us running nice and stable on our current server!

04-09-10, 13:21
As this thread has same name as a nother thread i have post wath my questions there 5-6 times but no ones has answered me, as i wrote there when i downloaded new image (latest) from there that one worked even for me, so once more time i am sorry if some one been offended but still ppl must have the oppurtinity to write if they think or cant get things working right, sometimes after 6-8 days of tryings some gets frustrated and writes stupid things, like me;) with out telling wath can be wrong. Sorry for my spelling dont think its right.

04-09-10, 13:42
...... but still ppl must have the oppurtinity to write if they think or cant get things working right, sometimes after 6-8 days of tryings some gets frustrated and writes stupid things, like me;) with out telling wath can be wrong. Sorry for my spelling dont think its right.

well this opportunity doesn't mean or give the right to attack or insult others especially when what they had given for you and others to use and enjoy is for free your side and with a cost on theirs. And it also means to apologize when "writes stupid things".

We are all here for only one reason which is to help and assist but by no means we are customer service or a support help desk. we all do it as a hobby and as Sic said, you spend from your own pocket and it is all members time they deliberately wanted to give and share. Thus, so even if someone made a post and it is not answered, doesn't give the right to yell and slate.

imagine a charity society getting a gift to an orphan and he took and said this is "Shit", how would this sounds and what impact will it have on these people. I have been working with computers for more than 10 years now as a hobby. believe it or not but what is said that "the majority of PC problem is because of the part between the monitor and the chair" is true ;)

i once was taught a proverb; "never to say sorry" but this only to make you not fall into mistake to apologize for instead be careful and cool down before writing, replying, commenting...etc.

and btw, it is not hard to say sorry, my apology.

04-09-10, 16:02
Well I am pleased to have read this thread, its been an eye opener, and all replies to questions are voluntary


04-09-10, 19:50
Hey Guy's, I started this thread simply asking if there was a place during or after installing where I could change the language to english,as in the description it states that polish text and language included.
Sorry if it caused you mods and vip's and the boss all this aggro but it was just an innocent question. Thanks for all your comments, but I will hold off installing until the motor is working correctly .

04-09-10, 20:44
@ harryoz

no aggro caused by you, and none by anyone else, other than shooting done an unfair comment, and I am sure, that once he gets sorted, he will see that the comment was unfair


05-09-10, 18:08
still the same shit as before dont work with motor

works fine with my motor unless the wind was moving the dish lol