View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Vu keeps crashing?

10-07-12, 11:27
Hi,i have the vix image 2.4 165 image installed,but when ever i follow a tutorial for image manager,setup spinners etc,the box will always crash at some stage.Am i doing something wrong,i follow the tuts to the exact pics. I have about 6 crash logs that i have sent,and i cannot remove plugins,latest being spinner,as it was showing no spinners when i select it.

I had a look through one of the crash logs and it says that even tho the plugin is removed,it has not completely removed from the system,giving a folder where it still is,perhaps causing the issues im having.Could it be an unstable image causing this,or just me trying to do things,and the actual box not liking it!

thanks again all,looks like another reinstall maybe needed,as i have also lost my boot screen i tried to install,leaving black screen on boot now.Frustrating!!

Rob van der Does
10-07-12, 11:37
I had a look through your crashlogs, and my advise would be to reflash. I see no reason why you should not use a settings-restore.
So If I were you, I would make a settings backup, reflash & restore.

In the unlikely event that after the restore the same problems would occur, I would reflash again, but this time without restoring.

10-07-12, 13:47
Rob, all back to normal now with settings backup and reflash image..I take it plugins are down for maintenace as i want to try spinner selector again when its available on plugin,as the manual way gave me loads of problems,cheers olly

Rob van der Does
10-07-12, 15:45
Good you're sorted now.
There are some problems to get spinnerSelector to the feeds; but as far as I'm aware feeds should be up atm.

16-07-12, 11:49
I have openvix 2.4 155,but yet again have the red light flashing,set unstable updates tried to look at software updates and got message software had crashed,yet again vu solo?
Then the front led was on green but remote would not let me do anything,had to pull the plug,retried still blank screen and green light not responding to remote,unplugged again.Is it the unstable image causing this,as it happens everytime i try and do something,and also got failed just before to backup image?

Obviously this is annoying and will have to reflash again,but need a stable image i guess.Is the latest bootloader cfe_solo2.0,as thats what i used?

Rob you quoted = "In the unlikely event that after the restore the same problems would occur, I would reflash again, but this time without restoring."
Shall i also try this first??

Thanks for any help,Olly.