View Full Version : Shutting off Vu+Duo

29-08-10, 10:33

Can you please indicate what is the best and safest way for shutting off Vu+Duo.

Is it pressing the red button on the remote or choosing deep stand by from menue.

By the way what is the purpose of deep standby


29-08-10, 11:01
i always close it with on one short press on the remote.
deep standby is for maximum power saving.

29-08-10, 11:11
In terms of "shutting off", do you mean to power down the duo to switch off at plug, or do you mean at the end of the day when going to bed?

If you want to power down the duo, then the best way is to choose the deep standby option, then power off (or even better, telnet in to the box and do a "shutdown -now" command). If it's the end of the day, depends how you use to box. If you have other boxes connected to your box, it's best to just put it in to standard standby, as then other boxes cannot connect to your box when it is in deep standby. If you're not connecting to other boxes, then you can do a deep standby to save extra power... During the day though (unless you know you're not going to watch the box all day), you may as well just press the standard red button standby...

31-08-10, 15:29
I just switch mine off at the wall before I goto bed.
Then when I get up switch the plug back on again. Should I not do this ?

31-08-10, 17:13
I'm must be bad.
I just leave my box on all the time.

As for just switching off with the power button on the back. I wouldn't recommend that if you have a HDD Connected?

01-09-10, 18:50
I just switch mine off at the wall before I goto bed.
Then when I get up switch the plug back on again. Should I not do this ?

Imagine it being like going to your computer and just switching it off at the plug when you'd finished with it?! Would you do that? After prolonged doing it, it's likely to cause damage to the installation of the operating system, and also damage to the hdd... Plus, it puts more strain on devices to be turned on and off continuously rather than being left running (well, on a day to day basis, if leaving switched off for days/weeks at a time, then switch off by all means :p)