View Full Version : Issues with Tenda w150

04-07-12, 12:32
Hi all,I have managed to get the vu solo setup to work with the tenda,but every so often,when im using my laptop,which i also setup with the tenda,i loose internet connection,and only get local.I have twice unplugged the tenda and switch back on,and internet usually works again on the laptop.Kind of strange issue,anyone have an idea if my settings are wrong somewhere? The tenda is powered by the mains,but do want to put in usb to power it.
cheers olly.

Also on a seperate note,if i have certain channels on,like Watch,the tv picture is narrow of the screen,i have tried different settings,but still the same,but when adverts come on,it then fills the screen.Any ideas why?

20-07-12, 19:41
try going into ur internet router and manually selecting channel rather than auto then setup the tenda again with the ch number u selected.

This should keep your internet locked on one channel frequency