View Full Version : Neues VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V 2.0 - 19.08.2010 OE 1.6 issue

29-08-10, 08:39
i have normally used PLI or DE....

can i ask if i use the above image will it help with two things (or be the same)

1. motor movement on usals

2. HDD set up with the image

still having probs with both of these on pli and DE

any views

30-08-10, 15:26
What version of DE are you using?

What exactly is your motor issue?

What exactly is you HDD issue?

You need to post all the info you have.

31-08-10, 14:37
What version of DE are you using?

What exactly is your motor issue?

What exactly is you HDD issue?

You need to post all the info you have.

hiya - well im using pli open at the moment

but 1. to move from sat to sat have to use manual search which works then open up channel i want - its a joke really - ive tried all the positioner type issues none work for me and
2. i cannot get the box to find or recognise my external HDD which i link from the front panel usb port

still love the machine thou and the pic quality is fantastic - just wondered if the new image here would make any difference or not really

31-08-10, 15:01
In regards to your hdd, have you powered down the box, then plug in the hdd, and power up. Then, open up a telnet session, and log in. Then, type:

ls /dev/sd*

Then, does this give you any information?!

Also, type:


Post the results to both here...

guff daddy
31-08-10, 15:26
2. i cannot get the box to find or recognise my external HDD which i link from the front panel usb port

I have only ever used the front USB to connect a USB stick with a new image for upgrading. Why not try one of the two USB ports on the rear of the box?

31-08-10, 15:43
il try both of the above ie rear and telnet and report back.....thankx guys as alwaz

31-08-10, 17:17
I'm using Pli at the moment, and have no issues at all with the motor.
Are you using USALS?

Can you give more information on your motor settings please.

31-08-10, 18:53
re hdd
i have used telnet - 1s/dev/sd*

it says not found

then i used mount it says quite a few things what am i looking for

re motor

im using usals - but when i use positioner in advanced im using 1,2 disq with a specific number etc...still does not work thou

31-08-10, 18:55
fuse on /media/upnp type fuse (ro,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0)
root@vuduo ~ # 1s/dev/sd
-sh: 1s/dev/sd: not found
root@vuduo ~ # is/dev/sd*
-sh: is/dev/sd*: not found
root@vuduo ~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock2 on /boot type jffs2 (ro)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)

01-09-10, 18:42
fuse on /media/upnp type fuse (ro,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0)
root@vuduo ~ # 1s/dev/sd
-sh: 1s/dev/sd: not found
root@vuduo ~ # is/dev/sd*
-sh: is/dev/sd*: not found
root@vuduo ~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock2 on /boot type jffs2 (ro)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)

looking at the mount info, the usb drive doesn't appear to have mounted itself...

What I did notice though, is that you didn't write the command correctly. It needs to be as below:

ls /dev/sd*

the ls is the short code for list (so needs to be LS, but lower case). Then, there needs to be the space between the command and the next part of /dev/sd* (need the * at the end)

Try again, and see what it says. If it can't find anything, it will report back:

ls: sd*: No such file or directory

Otherwise, it should report something like:

/dev/sda /dev/sda1

Let us know what it says :)

01-09-10, 20:53
re hdd
i have used telnet - 1s/dev/sd*

it says not found

then i used mount it says quite a few things what am i looking for

re motor

im using usals - but when i use positioner in advanced im using 1,2 disq with a specific number etc...still does not work thou

Re your motor issue, using USALS try it in simple setting rather than advanced.

Hope this helps

02-09-10, 01:34
re hdd
i have used telnet - 1s/dev/sd*

it says not found

then i used mount it says quite a few things what am i looking for

re motor

im using usals - but when i use positioner in advanced im using 1,2 disq with a specific number etc...still does not work thou

also mate i'm no expert and also have problems with telnet, but i also noticed on you entry apart from not having a space you've entered 1s/dev/sd* it should be lower case "l" and not a number one,it might just be a typo though :D

regards: canthackit