View Full Version : Newcamd and plugins

02-07-12, 20:17
First thing is what is the best version of newcamd on vix 2.4 to use as when I change channel it takes about 6 seconds to get a picture
Second I love the plugin ETlivestream, think on the cams are really good, love watching Ricky's cafe seing them jump off the cliff. Mint , well fancy going there, oh and them guys in London who keep getting there pictures took on the crossing, omg they should get a life, just cause the Beatles had there picture taken there haha

02-07-12, 20:22
Newcamd does not work on the Vu solo :confused:

02-07-12, 20:45
It does, been using it for a while just seems a little slow on channel changing, about 5-6 seconds

02-07-12, 21:05
Where did you get it ?
Newcamd has not been developed for years there has never been a release since the introduction of e2.
Please share what you have.

02-07-12, 21:14
sorry think i have wrote it wrong mgcamd :eek: