View Full Version : VTi image moviecut plugin

22-06-12, 13:52
how can i cut a record movie by use moviecutt plugin in vti image vu+ solo ?

i try cut movie but i think it just unreal cut the file after cut the source file no change done on it ?
but when play file in vu box list can find cut file ?

i dont knew really what happen ?

so i need someone help me !:confused:

Rob van der Does
22-06-12, 13:58
This plugin is not specifically for VTi; it's also in use for ViX and many other images.

To edit movies, you need two plugins: cutlisteditor and moviecut.

The cutlisteditor is (as the name suggests) for editing the cuts; once done they are ready to be executed. Execution of the cuts is done by (again: the name suggests it's purpose) the moviecut-entry in the movielist context-menu (I think it's called 'execute cuts' or similar).