View Full Version : [ET9x00] error msgs installing extesnion

18-06-12, 08:19
Yesterday I updated one of my extensions, and during the install there was a splurge of messages, including I think some error msgs, which were on the screen for about a second (or that's how my old eyes saw it).
Is there a log where I can look for this information or a way of freezing the screen long enough for me to read the information?

Apart from that I think that the VIX 2.4 image is great and I really appreciate the fact that images are only released to fix/consolidate something - rather than the nightly build on some sites, just for the sake of it and sometimes with missing components - quality before quantity :)


18-06-12, 20:30
which plugin were you installing?

19-06-12, 09:10
HDGlass16, which runs fine on my system, and shows as updated, but I definitely see some messages flash past, I think about the python folder. :(

21-06-12, 06:35
The HD glass skin is a awfull plugin that hacks many system files and is almost impossible to fully de-install. Also be aware that while the skin does for the best part work with ViX it is not fully compatible.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

21-06-12, 06:57
The HD glass skin is a awfull plugin that hacks many system files and is almost impossible to fully de-install. Also be aware that while the skin does for the beat part work with ViX it is not fully

while I accept your comments (you have been doing this a lot longer than me) so far it hasn,t caused problems with updates, and the only problem (and I really appreciate the stability and upgrade cycle for 2.4) occurred (I believe) when my USB stick was not mounted correctly and the image backup screwed the system - it,s like my jailbreaked IPAD - if you cannot handle the problems don't do it.
Does anybody have more background on this skin? - who writes the code, which components are hit?.

And lastly is there an error log in the system????