View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] EPG bug or setup?

15-06-12, 09:22
Hi All

I noticed what may be a small bug last night, where the Bouquet name at the top of the graphical EPG doesn't show the name of the Bouquet you're looking at, but shows the Bouquet name which the channel you're currently watching is in.

I've attached a screenshot where I'm in the Bouquet Documentaries, but you can see it shows Entertainment at the top as I'm watching BBC 1.

Maybe it's something in my setup, I'm not sure?



Rob van der Does
15-06-12, 09:29
I just checked it on my boxes: works fine here.
What image version/build is your box?

15-06-12, 16:29
Weird. I'll sort my bouquets out over the next few days and see if that fixes it.

I'm on the latest build, updated last night to see if it would fix it.

23-08-12, 20:15
I'm still getting this problem after a fresh flash of 3.0 and a scan. I then just used the AutoBouquets plugin to generate my bouquets.

I noticed on the fresh flash some things don't get overwritten. Perhaps it's something else I've done that doesn't get removed by a flash. Is there anyway to remove everything so it literally starts as if it came out of the box?