View Full Version : EPG on TM500 Super

26-08-10, 00:33
I have loaded weekly EPG 3.3b as described on this site.

One thing though HIP HOP is no longer available.

EPG Background Audio Radio Channel works fine though.

I have a few questions

1 - Can the weekly epg be assigned to the EPG button rather than pressing the plugin button.

2 - Can the channel list show the programs from the downloaded EPG. Its currently blank even though weekly epg is downloaded and complete.

3 - Why doesnt weekly epg download data to the built in EPG menu like all other enigma1 devices.

4 - Is there any other option for UK epg from the enigma1 camp that works on TM500 super.

5 - Why doesnt weekly EPG save to somewhere other than temp so its not deleted on reboot and Is there an easy way (cron or similar) to start the download when the box is rebooted.

Its good bang for buck though.. Its being connected in the garage to pass away the rainy days...