View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Add AutoTimer Doesnt Seem to Work Since updating to Vix 2.4 ,

04-06-12, 17:20
Hi, i updated to Vix 2.4 and did all the updates, but when i do Add AutoTimer for Series recording, just does it for that day, not when its on during the week, was fine on vix 2.3 , im using crossepg which is running fine . anyone help me out here Thanks

Rob van der Does
04-06-12, 17:27
Hmmm, no issues found using autotimer here.
I know this doesn't help you, but it tells you that there is light at the end of the tunnel......... :cool:

04-06-12, 17:48
i use 28.2 sat, its strange as i know the same program is on next day, but some reason its got it to record next week , fustrating, never had this problem before, i only noticed it when i noticed programs i set recorded as series record not here, when sitting down to watch them now i have missed stuff that i wanted to watch :mad:

04-06-12, 18:19
Hi, i got it working, when you select a program with Add AutoTimer for Series record, you get Import AutoTimer, its ticked on same day program is on. example only on weekday: monday , so untick and then does it fine, why is this auto ticked pointless if wanna do series recordings,

04-06-12, 20:29
you just have to be more careful and read all the options while setting the timer, incidentally it works just fine for me.

04-06-12, 20:37
Hi, ya it works fine for me now, after having to always untick , example if i series record a program on monday which comes on all week, it would say weekday : monday, unticking this sorts it, i remember not doing this on vix 2.3