View Full Version : service problem 16 e sat

04-06-12, 16:53
sat 16 e eutelsat
some service not work
10803 h 27500 6/4 dvb-s

my image vti 3.2

try scan this several times but not work why ?
lease need help

04-06-12, 20:15
sat 16 e eutelsat
some service not work
10803 h 27500 6/4 dvb-s

my image vti 3.2

try scan this several times but not work why ?
lease need help

because your using the wrong scan parameters.

Eutelsat 16A 10803.75 H QPSK 27500 3/4 DVB-S

05-06-12, 07:31
i think that i need to update the drivers of tuner (vu+ solo) because i found ( tuner error ) in some service of defrance sat when i go to channles !

after change the channel and return again to last channel it open and the error gone !!
if can update drivers tuner how can i make it ?

05-06-12, 07:36
If your using the ViX 2.3 / 2.4 image or any image released in the last 3 and a half months you already have the latest hardware drivers in your image

05-06-12, 08:09
my image is : vti v 3.2 solo --- date 11-10-2011 last vti image

i dont knew if the image inclode the drivers or the drivers install alone ?

05-06-12, 08:11
In that case no you do not have the latest hardware drivers in your image, also be aware that due to the date of that image i'm assuming it is the older Linux kernel 2.6.18 version so the latest drivers will not work as they are only for Linux kernel 3.1.1 based images.

05-06-12, 08:53
how can i inter this 10803.75 to scan ?

05-06-12, 08:56
menu>setup>service searching>manual scan

05-06-12, 11:29
yes i know that but i main the size box which inter no. ( 10803.75) the size of box = 5 nomber (10803) i ask how inter the full no. ( 10803.75 ) in the box !

and please i need last ver. of ( vti vu+ solo image )

05-06-12, 11:51
you do not need to enter the last two digits of the frequency the receiver will round them up it self, you however were entering the wrong FEC: details, you were entering 6/4 when the correct value should be 3/4.

as for the VTI 4.1 image i am currently unable to upload it due to severely limited bandwidth but if you google it you will no doubt find a link ( thats what i did ).

05-06-12, 12:01
but i ask why the division of downlaod vti solo image not update to last one
the vti solo v 3.2 scince 10-2011 still found but ver 4 , 4.1 not fix ?

i depend on it i hope up to date

05-06-12, 12:16
but i ask why the division of downlaod vti solo image not update to last one
the vti solo v 3.2 scince 10-2011 still found but ver 4 , 4.1 not fix ?

i depend on it i hope up to date

I think there is a little language barrier problem here so i'm not really sure what you mean i'll try to answer though.

if you were asking why the VTI 4.1 image for the solo is not uploaded to this forum thats just because no one uploaded it here, there is nothing untoward just no one got around to it.

if you were asking about why you can not use the new drivers in the VTI 3.2 image i explained earlier that there are currently two different Linux kernels for these receivers, Images using the older 2.6.18 kernel are no longer updated either by their teams or by the manufacturer in the forum of hardware drivers. only the newer images with the 3.1.1 linux kernel ( generally images released after december 2011 ) can use the latest hardware drivers as they are built for the 3.1.1 linux kernel specifically.

I hope that helps you understand a little better.

05-06-12, 12:55
yes i understanded

that the new image included the new drivers .. is it right ?

05-06-12, 13:05
yes i understanded

that the new image included the new drivers .. is it right ?

yes VTI 4.1 includes the newest Vu hardware drivers.

05-06-12, 16:47
i try flash vti vu solo 4.1 but not work i think that for vu+ ulimo
hlep me to find last ver. vti vu+ solo image

05-06-12, 18:28
i try flash vti vu solo 4.1 but not work i think that for vu+ ulimo
hlep me to find last ver. vti vu+ solo image

I have uploaded it for you here

beware you must flash the bootloader first otherwise you could kill your receiver.

06-06-12, 07:46
oky i get it and will tray it ..

but please how can i update the bootloader ??

06-06-12, 09:34
you flash the bootloader in the exact same way as you flash the image.

06-06-12, 09:56
thanks pheonix:wave:

13-06-12, 13:47
need to try vti vu+ solo image ver. 4.0
can anyone help me to give me this ver.4.0 (vti vu+ solo 4.0 image) to download it

because i try vti solo 4.1 but i found it not work good with me

17-06-12, 18:49
please i need file or a link to get ( mgcamd 1.38a for vu+ solo black hole image 1.75 )


17-06-12, 18:54
try a google,

and please remember forum rules,