View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] VIX 2.4 not browsing the network.

01-06-12, 06:35
Ok mates I want to start over here and not continue in the 2.4 discussion thread to be more accurate.

So, here's the problem:
Using VIX Network Browser I can see all my available computers on my LAN. (3 macs, called Hara-mob, Hara-Viper, Minimarc).
But I'm unable via the browser to access their shares.
As soon as I select one device the display says:
A- OK to expand the host
B- then it asks for username password or guest access (and I provide User/pass)
C- again it shows the devices list and this time it says OK to collapse the host
from this time on every OK pression cycle from COLLAPSE to EXPAND and nothing else happens.

This said, I've tried installing SAMBA, NFS and AFP. The issue is still the same.
But Manually adding the share works.

At this point I've checked for running process ps telent command:
1 root 1800 S init [3]
2 root 0 SW [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/0]
5 root 0 SW [kworker/u:0]
6 root 0 SW [migration/0]
7 root 0 SW [migration/1]
8 root 0 SW [kworker/1:0]
9 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/1]
11 root 0 SW< [khelper]
12 root 0 SW [sync_supers]
13 root 0 SW [bdi-default]
14 root 0 SW< [kblockd]
15 root 0 SW< [ata_sff]
16 root 0 SW [khubd]
17 root 0 SW< [cfg80211]
18 root 0 SW< [rpciod]
19 root 0 SW [kswapd0]
20 root 0 SW [kworker/1:1]
21 root 0 SW [fsnotify_mark]
22 root 0 SW< [nfsiod]
23 root 0 SW< [crypto]
33 root 0 SW [scsi_eh_0]
34 root 0 SW [scsi_eh_1]
35 root 0 SW [kworker/u:1]
37 root 0 SW [scsi_eh_2]
38 root 0 SW
40 root 0 SW [mtdblock0]
41 root 0 SW [mtdblock1]
42 root 0 SW [mtdblock2]
43 root 0 SW [mtdblock3]
44 root 0 SW [mtdblock4]
45 root 0 SW [mtdblock5]
46 root 0 SW [mtdblock6]
47 root 0 SW [ubi_bgt0d]
48 root 0 SW [ubifs_bgt0_0]
84 root 0 SW [jbd2/sda1-8]
85 root 0 SW< [ext4-dio-unwrit]
109 root 0 SW [jbd2/sdb1-8]
110 root 0 SW< [ext4-dio-unwrit]
126 root 0 SW [flush-8:16]
128 root 0 SW [sched]
129 root 0 SW [sched_low]
130 root 0 SW [sched_high]
131 root 0 SW [sched_idle]
149 root 0 SW [brcmv]
153 root 0 SW [fbt0]
166 root 0 SW [lcd]
174 root 0 SW [sc0]
176 root 0 SW [sc1]
257 root 0 SW< [zd1211rw]
373 daemon 1784 S /sbin/portmap
376 root 0 SW [lockd]
384 root 0 SW [kworker/0:2]
395 messageb 2832 S /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
402 root 2424 S /usr/sbin/dropbear -r /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_hos
406 root 2168 S /usr/sbin/cnid_metad
408 root 5904 S /usr/sbin/afpd -g nobody -c 20 -n vu-letto
411 root 3312 S /usr/sbin/inetd
424 root 0 SW< [nfsd4]
425 root 0 SW< [nfsd4_callbacks]
426 root 0 SW [nfsd]
427 root 0 SW [nfsd]
428 root 0 SW [nfsd]
429 root 0 SW [nfsd]
430 root 0 SW [nfsd]
431 root 0 SW [nfsd]
432 root 0 SW [nfsd]
433 root 0 SW [nfsd]
435 root 2492 S /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd -f /etc/exports
437 root 2168 S /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
445 root 2948 S /sbin/syslogd -n -O /var/log/messages -s 32 -b 1 -m
447 root 2944 S /sbin/klogd -n
457 avahi 3568 S avahi-daemon: running [vu-letto.local]
458 avahi 3568 S avahi-daemon: chroot helper
460 root 2948 S /bin/sh /usr/bin/enigma2.sh
461 root 3012 S /sbin/getty 38400 tty1
476 root 97260 S /usr/bin/enigma2
479 root 0 SW [ca:0:4]
480 root 0 SW [ci_kthread]
492 root 0 SW [kdvb-ad-0-fe-0]
511 root 13368 S /usr/softcams/CCcam.2.3.0
539 root 3268 S telnetd
540 root 3264 S -sh
579 root 0 SW [kworker/0:0]
580 root 3264 R ps

and I can only see nfsd running.

the Samba.conf in etc/samba seems like this (everything is fine to me, the workgroup name is that):
load printers = no
printcap name = /dev/null
guest account = root
log file = /tmp/smb.log
log level = 0
security = share
server string = Samba server %h
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = %h
case sensitive=yes
preserve case=yes
short preserve case=yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
preferred master = no

comment = The harddisk
path = /hdd
read only = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes

comment = Everything - take care!
path = /
read only = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes

here the content of the /etc/enigma2 files related to network (they are EXACTLY COPYPASTED):
�}q(UusernameqUharamobqUpasswordqUtrippaq u.

�}q(UusernameqU haraviperqUpasswordqUtrippaqu. [U](please note the TAB space between U and h of haraviper)

�}q(UusernameqUminimarcqUpasswordqUtrippa qu.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

�]q(]q(UhostqUVU-LETTO qU qUMaster Browserqe]q (Uhostq
UHARA-VIPER q U U00:00:00:00:00:00q
UHARA-VIPER qUMaster Browserqe]q(UhostqUMINIMARC qU qUMaster Browserqe]q(UhostqUALICEGATE qU qUMaster Browserqe]q(UhostqUMINIMARCq U!U00:00:00:00:00:00q"e]q#(hUVUDUOq$U"e]q&(hUIPHONE-DI-HARA-VIPERq'U"ee.

I did notice that the syntax in the .cache files is "strange" to me, and as you can see. Should it be look like that?
What else to check?

05-06-12, 23:09
ok mates
went for a fresh FLASH.
Exit the initial wizard and setup everything manually.
Installed Samba restarted the DUO.
And... the network browser is still not working.
It browse, shows me the available devices, asked for user/password
and as already descrbed cycled colapse/expand host but it does not show devices shares.

More info :
Just clean flashed 2.4 143.
Nothing installed except samba and openvpn.

05-06-12, 23:40
Sounds like local network issues rather than VIX issues.

05-06-12, 23:44
not possible.
shares between the 3 macs on the network are fine.
As stated before if I manually add shares on the duo they are ok.
It's only network browser that is not working as expected.

05-06-12, 23:55
network browsing will work different on every platform connection to the network.
'if I manually add shares on the duo they are ok' what's the problem so?

06-06-12, 00:06
the problem is that on 2.3 It worked as expected.
Now I have to manually add shares. Obviously it's a way. But what's the point of having a Netwrkbrowser that not works at 100%?

Rob van der Does
06-06-12, 07:06
ok mates
went for a fresh FLASH.
Exit the initial wizard and setup everything manually.
Installed Samba restarted the DUO.
And... the network browser is still not working.
It browse, shows me the available devices, asked for user/password
and as already descrbed cycled colapse/expand host but it does not show devices shares.

More info :
Just clean flashed 2.4 143.
Nothing installed except samba and openvpn.
As you're trying to connect to Mac's you don't need Samba. I think for a MAC you need AFP (and maybe FTP?).

06-06-12, 08:47
Hi Rob,
as you can see in the first post this behaviour is affecting every sharing protocol, NFS and AFP aswell.
Since I consider myself a quite good network administrator (for mixed mac win networks) I do know how to have everything to work.

So, after reflashing I wanted to have first a try with SAMBA (CIFS). And it did not work.
I then installed NFS, and again the NwtworkBrowser does not expand/collapse, it just cycle the OSD.

The only thing I can say is that I can see available shares of my second DUO by networkbrowser.

NFS and SAMBA shares if added manually in Mount Manager work just fine.

I do remember that on VIX 2.3 everything was working smoothly. But after an update (sorry but I'm not sure from which build on) the network browser was no more able to collapse/expand hosts.

27-09-12, 15:25
I mates
I'm Affected by this issue on 3.0 too.
The very same thing described for 2.4 is happening. And i'm only able to add mount point manually.
Is there anything in the debug log to check and see what is going on.?

27-09-12, 16:53
I mates
I'm Affected by this issue on 3.0 too.
The very same thing described for 2.4 is happening. And i'm only able to add mount point manually.
Is there anything in the debug log to check and see what is going on.?

setup you mount with browser as normal then in telnet type:

mount -a

post results.

27-09-12, 19:17
setup you mount with browser as normal then in telnet type:

mount -a

post results.
sorry andyblac but I've not understood your instructions: you say to set up mounts via browser but as I stated in all my previous posts I cannot.
the browser shows all the available computer on the lan but it does not collapse them to show the shares.

btw I've noticed this strange syntax on telnet session:

Welcome to OpenViX for vu-letto
openvix 3.0 vu-letto

vu-letto login: root
root@vu-letto:~# dreambox
-sh: dreambox: not found
root@vu-letto:~# [6n
root@vu-letto:~# [6nmount -a
root@vu-letto:~# [6n

what is that [6n ?

03-10-12, 19:57
another strange thing.
Here's the scenario:
my Macmini sharing two volumes: one named 500GB and the other 150GB.
Document sharing is enabled with AFP, SAMBA and NFS aswell.

As by the thread topic I'm noway able to access the shared volumes via network browser.
So I manually set the mount point on VIX.

On my Duo with OpenVix 3.0 I added manually two NFS shares and they work.

On the second Duo still on Vix2.4 neither of the two shares manually added is beeing mounted.
Telnetting mount -a I get this:

root@vuduo:~# mount -a
mount: mounting on /media/net/150GB failed: Connection refused
mount: mounting on /media/net/500 failed: Connection refused

Obviously I'm gona upgrade to OV3.0 becouse till now I tested it working smoothly.

Except the network browser issue and I'm here waiting for more instructions to investigate it.