View Full Version : Motorized dish set up plz help

29-05-12, 15:28
Hello Every1
well i just got my new vu+ Solo
everything was allright, except the positionner setup
when i want to change between satellite, i have to do it manually
is there any way how to do it automatically

any help would be thankfull

29-05-12, 19:27
How was your previous receiver setup was it Diseqc 1.2 or USALS, if it was the latter then you will have to either stick with diseqc 1.2 or just go to positioner setup and enter your longitude and Latitude settings and choose USALS. This will then be automatic.

29-05-12, 21:02
google "satpointer" its a handy wigit, that will help you, but as posted, you need to enable USALs, and input you geo position, check out BBC World on .08 west ( thor ) and you should get near 100%, then check out 28 east for sig strength
using sarfinder ( included in your image, within the tuner options list )

30-05-12, 08:50
thanks for the reply
i use usals, but how to enable usals

30-05-12, 22:54
there is an option in advanced settings to use USALs, in simple mode once you input your geo setting, USAL,s is used by default